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A checklist of the Amphisbaenidae is presented. A total of 190 species are included, distributed in four families as follows: Amphisbaenidae (178 species in 18 genera), Bipedidae (3 species in 1 genus), Rhineuridae (1 species in 1 genus), and Trogonophidae (8 species in 4 genera). Additionally, a complete bibliography is included with the references published in this and the preceding centuries about Amphisbaenidae. Within references, information is offered about the species discussed in the papers, the kind of information presented, and further special notes.


I here offer a checklist of the Amphisbaenidae. Beyond the offering, I furnish a bibliography including whatever has been published on Amphisbaenidae until 2003. As much as possible I begin with taxonomic treatments published in the seventeenth century, and add ecological, behavioral, and physiological papers covering the intermediate period. The bibliography attempts to include all references published in this and the preceding centuries, but there is no attempt made to start the bibliography or checklist at a finite time. Instead, these documents are assumed to include whatever references have been discovered so far, considering the bibliography complete up to 2002. Additional relevant papers on amphisbaeinasn published after that date are also included. This review intends to present results in a format that will allow researchers to identify species and references relevant for future work. A detailed review of the literature is presented, as well as localities, museum numbers, and descriptives values of the majority of the species.

The checklist is not provided with an independent set of references. Instead, the comprehensive bibliography is included as a substitute. The bibliography is furnished with references (in brackets) to items that include special notes. Specific pages or figures concerning amphibaenids are pointed out, as well as the species considered in the reference. For references where the whole study was relevant, “all” was added in brackets. Bracketed items are a continuation of the first version of the checklist and bibliography (Gans, 1967a). For the checklist I include references to the names of the various amphisbaenians and the systematic status of the forms. The type locality for each species is given, as is the nature of the type and its current placement. The species range is listed and occasionally modified to include supplementary locality records (source in parenthesis). Under the heading Discussion of Form, reference is made to the most recent adequate discussions. The information in general comes from personal examination of specimes, and considerable effort was devoted to check the whereabouts and condition of the typical material. Other stylistic matters follow the style guide of the American Museum of Natural History.

The Amphisbaenia are a group of Squamata incorporating four families. They are the only true burrowers among the reptiles. The species occur in southern Europe, northern Africa, Asia Minor, and South America. This checklist provides the generic names and type species for the now recognized recent amphisbaenians. It also lists the generic synonyms and the reasons for discussions. The species now accepted as valid are next listed together with the specific synonyms, and for these species are given the type material, present provenance, type locality, and literature references. A total of 190 species are included in the checklist, distributed in four families as follows: Amphisbaenidae (178 species in 18 genera), Bipedidae (3 species in 1 genus), Rhineuridae (1 species in 1 genus), and Trogonophidae (8 species in 4 genera).

Over the years there have been a number of recognized subspecies and arguments about whether these should continue to be recognized. In view of the nature of the arguments, it seems best to list the names here, but to treat them as species with the notation of type locality and present provenance of type material indicated. If the pattern and assignment of subspecific categories change again, it will be facile to derive and apply the pertinent information from this checklist.

Locations of the Types

The abbreviations for collections in which typical materials are deposited follow Leviton et al. (1985). and are shown below.

  1. AMNH  American Museum of Natural History, New York

  2. ANSP  Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  3. ASFS  Albert Schwartz Field Series, Miami, Florida

  4. BMNH  British Museum (Natural History), London

  5. CAS  California Academy of Science, San Francisco, California

  6. CG  Carl Gans Private Collection. To be transferred to the CNHM

  7. CM  Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

  8. CNHM  Field Museum of Natural History of Chicago

  9. CZL  Centro de Zoología, Ministerio de Ultramar, Lisbon, Portugal

  10. DZ  Departamento de Zoología, São Paulo, Brazil

  11. DZVU  Universidad de Uruguay. Coleccion de reptiles del Departamento de Zoologia-Vertebrados, Montevideo, Uruguay

  12. GUM  Zoologisches Institut und Museum der Universität, Göttingen, Germany

  13. GZR  Museum of Rome, Rome, Italy

  14. IB  Instituto Butantan. São Paulo, Brazil

  15. ICZN  International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature

  16. IFAN  Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Dakar, Senegal

  17. IMZUT  Institute Zoological Univerisita di Torino, Torino, Italy

  18. IRSNB  Intitut Royal des Sciences Naturales de Belgique, Brussels, Belgium

  19. ISCR  Institut Scientifique Chérifien de Rabat, Rabat, Maroc

  20. KM R-  Royal Museum of Denmark, Reptile Collection

  21. KNP  Kruger National Park, Transvaal, South Africa

  22. KU  University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas

  23. LCFM  Musée de la Chaux de Fonds, Switzerland

  24. MCNC  Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Caracas, Venezuela

  25. MCZ  Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

  26. MD  Museo do Dundo, Dundo, Angola

  27. MNHN  Museum National d'Histoire Naturalle, Paris

  28. MNHNCU  MNHNC Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago, Chile

  29. MNHP  National Museum, Prague, Czechoslovakia

  30. MNKM  Museo Nacional de Historia Natural Noel Kempff Mercado. Universidad Gabriel René Moreno de Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, Bolivia

  31. MNRJ  Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Museu Nacional. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  32. MPEG  Museu Paraenese “Emilio Goeldi”, Para, Brazil

  33. MSNG  Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova “Giacomo Doria”, Genova, Italy

  34. MSNM  Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Milan, Italy

  35. MZUF  Universita di Firenze, Florence, Italy

  36. MZUSP  Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

  37. NMBA  Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, Basel, Switzerland

  38. NMW  Naturhistorisches Museum,Viena, Austria

  39. NMZB-UM  National Museum, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

  40. PEM  Port Elizabeth Museum, Port Elizabeth, South Africa

  41. RMNH  Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden, The Netherlands

  42. RT  Richard Thomas Private Collection, Miami, Florida

  43. SAM  South African Museum, Cape Province, South Africa

  44. SMF  Natur-Museum und Forschungs-Institut Senckenberg, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany

  45. SMNS  Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde in Stuttgart, Ludwigsburg, Germany

  46. SU  Stanford University Systematic Collection, Standford. California

  47. TMP  Transvaal Museum, Transvaal, South Africa

  48. UCMVZ  Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, California

  49. UIMNH  University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois

  50. UMMZ  University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

  51. UPRRP  University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico

  52. USNM  National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

  53. YPM  Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut

  54. ZIL  Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia

  55. ZMB  Universitat Humboldt, Berlin, Germany

  56. ZMH  Universitat Hamburg, Zoologisches Institut und Museum, Hamburg, Germany

  57. ZSM  Zoologisches Sammlung des Bayerischen Staates, Bayern, Germany

  58. ZUEC  Universidade Estadual de Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil


Family Amphisbaenidae

(Including the genera Amphisbaena, Ancylocranium, Anops, Aulura, Baikia, Blanus, Bronia, Cadea, Chirindia, Cercolophia, Cynisca, Dalophia, Geocalamus, Leposternon, Loveridgea, Mesobaena, Monopeltis, and Zygaspis)

Genus Amphisbaena Linné

  • Amphisbaena Linné, 1758: 229. Type species: Amphisbaena fuliginosa, by first reviser (Fitzinger, 1843: 22).

  • Glyptoderma Fitzinger, 1843: 22. Type species: Amphisbaena vermicularis Wagler, by original designation.

  • Typhloblanus Fitzinger, 1843: 22. Type species: Amphisbaena coeca (= A. caeca Cuvier), by original designation.

  • Sarea Gray, 1844: 71. Type species: Amphisbaena caeca Cuvier (=A. ridleyi Boulenger; cf. Gans and Alexander, 1962: 82), by original designation.

  • Diphalus Cope, 1861b: 75. Type species: Diphalus fenestratus, by monotypy.

  • Aporarchus Cope, 1885: 189. Type species: Aporarchus prunicolor, by monotypy.

  • See discussion in Gans and Alexander (1962: 82) for American forms, in Loveridge (1941, 1948, 1957), R. Laurent (1947), and Vanzolini (1951b, ms) for African forms. Loveridge retained most African species of this general grouping in the genus Amphisbaena, except for two placed in Placogaster.

    Amphisbaena alba Linné

  • Amphisbaena alba Linné, 1758: 229. Type locality: “America”. Syntypes: Museum Drottningholm (two specimens, according to Andersson, 1899: 7).

  • Amphisbaena rosea Shaw and Nodder, 1791 (1791–1795, vol. 3), pl. 86+text. Type locality: “America”. Type: Not designated.

  • Amphisbaena pachyura Wolf, 1822: 61. Type locality: Not designated. Type: Lost.

  • Amphisbaena exalbida Wagler in Wolf, 1822: 62. Manuscript name for type of A. pachyura. Not available as published in synonymy (Bartlett and International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 1961: art. 11d).

  • Amphisbaena flavescens Wied, 1825a, no. 9. Type locality: “Bahia Belmonte,. . . grossen Waldungen am Flusse Mucuri”, Brazil. Restricted to “mouth of Mucuri River” (Gans, 1962c: 7). Lectotype: AMNH 1098 (Gans, ibid.).

  • Amphisbaena beniensis Cope, 1885: 184. Type locality: “Upper Beni River, Bolivia”. Holotype: ANSP 11343.

  • Amphisbaena alba var. radiatas Cope, 1885: 194. Type locality: Unknown. Type: Lost.

  • Amphisbaena alba var. dissectas Cope, 1885: 194. Type locality: “Venezuela”. Holotype: ANSP 9693.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Vanzolini (1955: 683) and Gans (1962c: 10). See discussion in Gans and Alexander (1962: 82) for American forms; in Loveridge (1941; 1948; 1957), R. Laurent (1947), and Vanzolini (1951b, ms) for African forms. Loveridge retained most African species of this general grouping in the genus Amphisbaena, except for two placed in Placogaster. See also Abe and Johansen (1987, respiration), Adamson (1988, parasites), Adamson and Baccam (1988, parasites), Ali et al. (1984, parasites), Amaral (1934, 1935b, 1937a, distribution), Antoniazzi et al. (1993, 1994, skin), Aquino et al. (1996, distribution), Auth (1994, distribution), Avila et al. (2000, distribution), Baker (1980, 1987, parasites), Beçak et al. (1971a, 1972, 1973a, 1973b, chromosomes), Beddard (1905, anatomy), Bell (1827, variation), Bellairs (1949a, vomeronasal organ), Bowler (1977, longevity), Burt and Burt (1930, variation), Carus and Gerstaecker (1863, general), Cei (1993, distribution), Cendrero (1972, variation), Cloudsley-Thompson (1977, ecology), Cochran (1961, catalog of types), Colli and Zamboni (1999, ecology), Cope (1892a, anatomy), Cracraft (1974, distribution), Crawford (1931, identification), Crother (1999, systematics), Cunha (1961, distribution), Diaz-Ungria (1963, parasites), Duarte de Barros Filho and Valverde (1996, biology), Duarte Rocha (1992, distribution), Duellman (1989, ecology), Feuer and Smith (1972, nomenclature), Flechtmann and Johnston (1990, parasites), Flower (1925, longevity), Frazzetta (1962, anatomy), Fugler (1984, 1989, distribution), Fürbringer (1900, shoulder girdle), Gallango and Suinaga (1979, biochemistry), Gallardo (1977, distribution), Gans (1957, anatomy), Gasc (1982, burrowing), Goeldi (1902, distribution), Gorham and Ivy (1938, physiology), Gorzula and Señaris (1999, distribution), Gorzula and Arocha-Piñango (1977, blood; 1982, tromboplast), Gorzula et al. (1977, ecology), Grant (1946, variation), Gronovius (1763, general), Henderson and Powell (1999, distribution), Henderson et al. (1984, identification), Henson (1974, ear), Hoffstetter (1962a, fossil record), Hoogmoed (1975, biology), Huang and Gans (1971, chromosomes), Jacobshagen (1920, anatomy), Jared et al. (1995, blood; 1998, 1999, skin), Johansen et al. (1980, blood), Jollie (1960, skull), Kesteven (1957, skull and musculature), Kluge (1984, catalog of types), Lakjer (1927, anatomy), López et al. 1983 (salivary glands), Masi Pallarés and Usher (1973, parasites), Masi Pallarés et al. (1973, 1976, parasites), Mattison (1982, care in captivity), Mayer (1829, anatomy), Meckel (1826, glands), Miranda (1924, parasites), Miyata (1982, distribution), Mocquard (1904, variation), Montero and Gans (1999, skull), Montero and Terol (1999, distribution), Müller (1832, anatomy), Murgel 1994 (ecology), Orcez and Matheus (1988a, distribution), Pratt (1948, anatomy), Pregill and Crother (1999, distribution), Ramirez et al. (1977, blood), Rego (1983, parasites), Remane (1936, skeleton), Renous-Léçuru and Gasc (1986, anatomy), Ridley (1891, distribution), Rieppel (1979, 1993, 1996, anatomy), Riley et al. (1986, ecology), Rocha (1992, distribution), Rosenberg (1967, hemipenes), Saint Girons (1972, anatomy), Sawaya and De Aguiar (1978, blood; 1982, skin), Sawaya et al. (1980, blood), Schmidt (1964, cochlea), Schwenk (1988, tongue), Spadacci-Morena et al. (1998, blood), Tanner and Avery (1982, buccal floor), Texeira et al. (1999, histology), Vandel (1964, distribution), Vanzolini (1968, cline; 1970, biogeography; 1974, distribution), Vaz-Ferreira et al. (1970, 1973, reproduction), Versluys (1912, skull; 1936, skull), Villa et al. (1988, checklist), Vogt (1840, anatomy), Wagler (1824, variation; 1830, classification), Walls (1942b, visual cells), Weber et al. (1981, parasites), Weber et al. (1981, physiology), Wied (1825a, general), Wiedemann (1932, variation), Winch and Riley (1985, parasites), Wu et al. (1993, anatomy).


    Forested lowlands of South America, from Panama through Venezuela, Trinidad, and the Guianas; Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia east of the Andes; Brazil and northern Paraguay.

    Amphisbaena albocingulata Boettger

  • Amphisbaena albocingulata Boettger, 1885a: 219. Type locality: “Paraguay, Amer. merid”. Holotype: Formerly Naturhistorisches Institut Linnea, Frankfurt-am-Main, now ZIL 6660.

  • Amphisbaena albocingulata Boettger, 1885a: 219. Type locality: “Paraguay”.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1966c: 248, Amphisbaena prunicolor albocingulatas). See also Bertoni (1914, distribution), Gans (1971c, variation), Montero and Terol (1999, distribution).


    Paraguay, perhaps north into Mato Grosso and Goyaz (Brazil).

    Amphisbaena amazonica Vanzolini

  • Amphisbaena dubias Rathke, 1863: 128. Type locality: None. Type: Lost. Name suppressed (China, 1963: 197).

  • Amphisbaena fuliginosa amazonica Vanzolini, 1951a: 62. Type locality: “Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil”. Holotype: IB 674. Paratypes: AMNH 64917–64919; DZ 1927; IB 673; MCZ 19540, 20663, 20664.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Vanzolini (1951a: 61).


    The Amazon Valley from Manaus, Brazil, up to Leticia, Colombia.

    Amphisbaena anamariae Vanzolini

  • Amphisbaena anaemariae Vanzolini, 1997: 66. Type locality: Brazil: Goias: Serra da Mesa, Ponto 2 (14°02′S, 48°13′W). Holotype: MZUSP 08596. Paratypes: MZUSP 80224, 80225, 80597–60601, same data as holotype; MZUSP 80925, Serra da Mesa, Ponto 3 (13°52′S, 48°23′W).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Vanzolini (1997). See also Vrcibradic and Soares (1999, distribution).


    Brazil (Goias and Minas Gerais).

    Amphisbaena angustifrons Cope

  • Amphisbaena angustifrons Cope, 1861b: 76. Type locality: “Buenos Ayres”, Buenos Aires, Argentina (34°38′S, 58°28′W). Holotype: ANSP 9690.

  • Amphisbaena knighti H. Parker, 1928: 383. Type locality: “Bonifacio, Argentina” (36°49′S, 62°13′W). Holotype: BMNH 1928.5.2.1: RR1946.8.31.76. Paratypes: BMNH 1927.5.26.4 (Bonifacio); BMNH 1909.11.2.8:RR1946.8.8.71, 1909.11.2.9:RR1946.8.8.72 (Ajo, Province of Buenos Ayres); BMNH 1902.7.29.65 (Tucumán).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1965a: 13). See also Acosta et al. (1996, distribution), Avila et al. (2000, conservation status), Cabrera (1993, distribution), Cendrero (1972, distribution), Fugler (1989, distribution), Gallardo (1966, 1971a, distribution; 1969, biology), Gans (1965c, variation), Gans and Diefenbach (1972, variation), Hulse and McCoy (1979, variation), Laurent and Teran (1981, distribution), Lavilla et al. (1994, identification), Montero (1992b, variation; 1996b, distribution), Montero and Terol (1999, distribution), and Vega and Bellegamba (1994, distribution).


    Central and northern Argentina to Bolivia.

    Amphisbaena arda Rodrigues

  • Amphisbaena arda Rodrigues, 2003: 52. Type locality: Brazil: Bahia, Ibiraba, Mocambo do Vento (10°49′13″S, 42°52′26″W). Holotype: MZUSP 91638.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Rodrigues (2003).


    Known from types locality only.

    Amphisbaena arenaria Vanzolini

  • Amphisbaena arenaria Vanzolini, 1991b: 350. Type locality: Brazil: Bahia: Raso da Catarina (09°42′S, 38°3′W). Holotype: MZUSP 65817.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Vanzolini (1991b: 350–355).


    Brazil; Bahia.

    Amphisbaena bakeri Stejneger

  • Amphisbaena bakeri Stejneger, 1904: 681. Type locality: “Lares, Porto Rico”. Holotype: USNM 25541. Paratypes: USNM 25537 (Lares); USNM 27458 (Puerto Rico).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans and Alexander (1962: 121) and R. Thomas (1966: 3). See also Schwartz and Thomas (1975, distribution), and Grant (1932a, variation).


    North-central portion of extreme western Puerto Rico.

    Amphisbaena barbouri Gans and Alexander

  • Amphisbaena cubana barbouri Gans and Alexander, 1962: 100. Type locality: “On the east shore of the Ensenada de Cochinos, Las Villas Prov., Caleta Rosario, Cuba”. Holotype: MCZ 12136. Paratypes: MCZ 58788, 58789 (Marianao); MCZ 12135 (Playa del Chivo); MCZ 12137 (Caleta Rosario); MCZ 13524 (Soledad); USNM 26363, 26364 (Matanzas).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans and Alexander (1962: 100). Raised to full species status by Thomas and Hedges (1998). See also Crother (1999) and Thomas and Hedges (1998, variation).


    Cuba, Havana to Cienfuegos.

    Amphisbaena bassleri Vanzolini

  • Amphisbaena fuliginosa bassleri Vanzolini, 1951a: 61. Type locality: “Roaboya, Loreto, Peru”. Holotype: AMNH 56606. Paratypes: AMNH 56224 (not 45624), 56588–56590, 56592, 56596–56600 (not 56660), 56602, Loreto Peru); AMNH 56594, 56609 (Contamana, Loreto, Peru); AMNH 56310 (Pampa Hermosa, Loreto Peru); AMNH 56611 (Cuxiabatay River, Loreto, Peru); AMNH 56607, 56613 (Roaboya, Loreto, Peru); AMNH 56608 (Requena, Loreto, Peru); AMNH 56601 (Reforma, Loreto, Peru); BMNH 1907.5.2.1–1907.5.2.3 (Rio San Gaban, Loreto, Peru); CNHM 45471, 45472 (Iquitos, Loreto, Peru); MCZ 45784 (Pucallpa, Loreto, Peru).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Vanzolini (1951a: 61) and Rhodes (1963: 175). See also Miyata (1982, distribution).


    Northern Bolivia, southern Peru, and the Ucayali River valley up to the upper Amazon in Loreto. The Argentine record from the Chaco Austral (Serié, 1915) apparently belongs here. The specimen is in the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales in Buenos Aires.

    Amphisbaena bolivica Mertens

  • Amphisbaena camura bolivica Mertens, 1929: 60. Type locality: “Villa Montes, Rio Pilcomayo, Süd Bolivien”. Holotype: SMF 22099. Paratype: SMF 28105, anterior half of specimen only.

  • Amphisbaena bolivica Montero, 1996: 78.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1965c), Montero (1996b). See also Avila et al. (2000, conservation status), Cabrera (1993, 1998, distribution), Dirksen and De la Riva (1999, distribution), Fugler (1989, distribution), Gallardo et al. (1985, distribution), Laurent and Teran (1981, distribution), Lions et al. (1997, distribution), Masi Pallarés et al. (1976, parasites), Montero (1996b, variation; 1996b, distribution), Montero and Fabrezi (2000, anatomy), Montero and Terol (1999, distribution), and Rosenberg (1967, hemipenes).


    Central to north Argentina, east of Bolivia, southwest of Paraguay.

    Amphisbaena caeca Cuvier

  • Amphisbaena caeca Cuvier, 1829: 73. Type locality: “Martinique”= Puerto Rico (cf. Stejneger, 1904: 675). Lectotype: MHNP A550 (Gans and Alexander, 1962: 123). Lectoparatypes: MNHP 3114,3115.

  • Sarea caecas Gray, 1844: 71. (= A. ridleyi Boulenger; cf. Gans and Alexander 1962: 82).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans and Alexander (1962: 123) and R. Thomas (1966: 5). See also Atiles (1887, natural history), Chaine (1900, anatomy), Cloudsley-Thompson (1977, biology; 1977, ecology), Crother (1999, biogeography), Grant (1932a, variation), Heatwole et al. (1965, distribution), Magwene (1997, anatomy), Rhoten (1970, pancreas), Rosenberg (1967, hemipenes), and Schwartz and Thomas (1975, checklist).


    Puerto Rico, with the possible exception of the western extremity of the island; also on Caja de Muertos.

    Amphisbaena camura Cope

  • Amphisbaena camura Cope, 1862: 350. Type locality: “Paraguay”. Syntypes: USNM 5860 (two specimens).

  • Amphisbaena boliviana Werner, 1910b: 35. Type locality: “Prov. Beni, Bolivia, Quellgebiet des Amazonas”. Syntypes: Formerly Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg; destroyed.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1965a: 22). See also Aquino et al. (1996, distribution), Bertoni (1914, distribution), Cendrero (1972, distribution), Dirksen and De la Riva (1999, distribution), Masi Pallarés et al. (1973, parasites), Montero (1996b, variation, distribution), and Montero and Terol (1999, distribution).


    Paraguay, Amazonian Bolivia, Brazil (Mato Grosso).

    Amphisbaena carlgansi Thomas and Hedges

  • Amphisbaena carlgansi Thomas and Hedges, 1998: 93. Type locality: Boca del Toro, Granma Province, Cuba. Holotype: MNHNCU 4421. Paratypes: MNHNCU 4422, USNM 512213, 512214, UMMZ 90720.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Thomas and Hedges (1998).


    Known only from two localities on the Meseta de Cabo Cruz, Granma Province, Cuba.

    Amphisbaena carvalhoi Gans

  • Amphisbaena carvalhoi Gans, 1965b: 625. Type locality: “Poção, Municipio de Pesqueira, Pernambuco, Brazil … on the Serra de Acahy at 1035m … in broken up granite gravels.” (08°11′S, 36°43′W). Holotype: MNRJ R2095. Paratypes: MNRJ R1759, R2093, 2094, R2096–2098, SU 17289,17290.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1965b: 625), and Vanzolini (1974).


    Known from types only.

    Amphisbaena caudalis Cochran

  • Amphisbaena caudalis Cochran, 1928b: 58. Type locality: “Grande Cayemite Island, Haiti.” Holotype: MCZ 25550. Paratype: MCZ 25551.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans and Alexander (1962: 110). See also Henderson and Schwartz (1984, identification), Henderson et al. (1984, identification), Powell et al. (1999), and Schwartz (1980).


    Grande Cayemite Island, Haiti. Known from the types only.

    Amphisbaena cegei Montero, Sáfadez, Álvarez 1997

  • Amphisbaena cegei Montero et al. 1997: 218. Type locality: Pampa Grande (64°06′S, 18′W), Province of Florida, Department of Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Holotype: MNKM 580.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Montero et al. (1997). See also Dirksen and De la Riva. (1999) and Montero (2001, variation).


    Known only from the type locality and vicinities.

    Amphisbaena crisae Vanzolini

  • Amphisbaena crisae Vanzolini, 1997: 68. Type locality: Brazil: Mato Grosso: Cafeara (11°50′S, 50°20′W). Holotype: MZUSP 6418. Paratype: MZUSP 6415–6417, 6419–6423, same data as the holotype.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Vanzolini (1997).


    Known only from the type locality.

    Amphisbaena cubana Gundlach and Peters

  • Amphisbaena cubana Gundlach and Peters in W.C.H. Peters, 1878b: 780. Type locality: “Cuba”. Syntypes: ZMB 6904, 9384. The description incorrectly lists ZMB 9384 as one of the types. Schwartz and Henderson (1991) listed ZMB 9383 as the holotype. Syntypes: ZMB 6904, 9383.

  • Amphisbaena cubana cubana Gundlach and Peters: Cendrero 1972, Schwartz and Thomas, 1975, and Baker, 1987.

  • Range:

    Eastern Cuba, west to Cienfuegos; Isla de Pinos.

    Amphisbaena cunhai Hoogmoed and Avila-Pires

  • Amphisbaena cunhai Hoogmoed and Avila-Pires, 1991: 78. Type locality: Brazil: Rondonia: Cachoeira de Samuel (08°45′S, 63°28′W). Holotype: MPEG 15436. Paratypes: MPEG 15437, 15438, 15441, 15442, 15443, 15455, RMNH 24470–244713.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Hoogmoed and Avila-Pires (1991: 78–87).


    Rio Jamari, western Brazil.

    Amphisbaena darwini Duméril and Bibron

  • Amphisbaena darwini Duméril and Bibron, 1839: 490. Type locality: Uruguay: Montevideo: Montevideo (34°55′S, 56°10′W). Lectotype: MHNP A3112. Lectoparatypes: MHNP A3107, A3113.

  • Amphisbaena darwinii Boulenger, 1886: 428.

  • Amphisbaena mildei Peters, 1879: 777.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans, (1966c: 234). See also Achával (1976, distribution), Klappenbach (1960, embryos), Montero (1996b, distribution), and Vaz-Ferreira et al. (1975 [1973], ecology). Gans (1966b) proposed suppression of the name Amphisbaena mildei, which was subsequently rejected in priority but not homonymy according to ICZN Opinion 1131 (Melville, 1979) and has been placed in the “Official Index of Rejected and invalid specific names in Zoology” as name number 1051 (after Bauer et al., 1995).


    Southern and central Uruguay.

    Amphisbaena dubia Lorenz Müller

  • Amphisbaena dubia L. Müller, 1924: 86. Type locality, Brazil: S.Pauto: Piracicaba (22°42′S, 47°38′W). Holotype: ZMB 26394. Not A. dubia Rathke, 1863: 126; cf. Gans, 1961a: 12; China, 1963b: 197.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1964a: 2). See also Beçak et al. (1971b, 1972, chromosomes), Cruz Neto et al. (1987, diet), and Hochstetter (1898, anatomy).


    Brazil, states of São Paulo, Parana, and Santa Catarina.

    Amphisbaena fenestrata (Cope)

  • Diphalus fenestrata Cope, 1861b: 76. Type locality: “The West Indian Islands of St Thomas and Santa Cruz”; restricted to “St. Thomas, Virgin Islands” (Gans and Alexander, 1962: 131). Holotype: USNM 11715.

  • Amphisbaena antillensis Reinhardt and Lütken, 1862: 224. Type locality: “St. Thomas og St. Jan”; restricted to “St. John”, Virgin Islands (Gans and Alexander, 1962: 131). Lectotype: KM R-449. Lectoparatype: KM R-4411 (Virgin Islands).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans and Alexander (1962: 131) See also Carey (1972, distribution), Huang and Gans (1971, chromosomes), Lazell (1986, general), MacLean (1982), Philibosian and Yntema (1978), Schwartz and Henderson (1991, distribution), and Schwartz and Thomas (1975, distribution).


    Virgin Islands, Tortola, St John, Dorothea, St. Thomas.

    Amphisbaena frontalis Vanzolini

  • Amphisbaena frontalis Vanzolini, 1991c: 368. Type locality: Brazil: Bahia: Alagoado (09°29′S, 41°21′W). Holotype: MZUSP 72989. Paratypes: MZUSP 72990–72997.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Vanzolini (1991c: 348–350). See also Montero (1997b, 1997c, skull), and Rodrigues (1996, distribution).


    Brazil; Bahia.

    Amphisbaena fuliginosa Linné

  • Amphisbaena fuliginosa Linné, 1758: 229. Type locality, “America”. Vanzolini 1951a (subspecies).

  • Amphisbaena fuliginosa Linné, 1758: 229. Type locality: “America”= Guianas (cf. Vanzolini, 1951a: 58). Syntypes: Stockholm Museum, Uppsala Museum (Andersson, 1899: 7).

  • Amphisbaena vulgaris Laurenti, 1768: 66. Type locality: “America”. Holotype: “Museo Illustris. Com. Turriana Viennae”; lost, according to Vanzolini (1951a: 59).

  • Amphisbaena magnifica Laurenti, 1768: 66. Type locality: “America”. Holotype: Seba (1743– 1735) specimen; lost.

  • Amphisbaena flava Laurenti, 1768: 67. Type locality: “America”. Holotype: Seba (1743– 1735) specimen; lost.

  • Amphisbaena americana Gray, 1844: 70. Type locality: “South America; Demerara; Berbice”. Lectotype: By present designation, BMNH V.2.1.d:RR1960.1.4.56 (Berbice). Lectoparatypes: BMNH V.2.1.a:RR1960.1.4.59 (South America); BMNH V.2.1.b:RR1960.1.4.57, (Demerara).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Vanzolini (1951a: 60). See also Carey (1972, distribution), Cendrero (1972, distribution), Jared et al. (1998, cytology), Rieppel (1979, musculature), Vaz-Ferreira et al. (1970 and 1973, oviposition), Villa et al. (1988, distribution), Vitt and De la Torre (1996, ecology), and West (1975, ecology).


    From Trinidad to French Guiana.

    Amphisbaena gonavensis Gans and Alexander

  • Amphisbaena innocens gonavensis Gans and Alexander, 1962: 111. Type locality: “Point à Roquettes, Gonave Island, Haiti”. Holotype: YPM 3384. Paratypes: MCZ 25549 (Petite Gonave); YPM 3385–3389; USNM 10168 (Gonave).

  • Discussion of Form:

    R. Thomas (1965b: 1). See also Cusumano and Powell (1991, diet), Henderson and Schwartz (1984, identification), Henderson et al. (1984, identification), Powell (1992, distribution), Schwartz and Henderson (1991), Schwartz and Thomas (1975, distribution), and Thomas and Thomas (1978, ecology).


    Gonave and Petite Gonave, Hispaniola.

    Amphisbaena gracilis Strauch

  • Amphisbaena gracilis Strauch, 1881, col. 70. Type locality: “Unbekannt, wahrscheinlich Süd-Amerika”. Holotype: ZIL 5517.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1967c: species inquirenda). The status of this form is in considerable doubt. See also Gorzula (1985, distribution), Gorzula and Señaris (1999), Hoogmoed and Avila-Pires (1991), and Sponga and Gans (1971, taxonomy).


    Known from this type only, Venezuela (Bolivar).

    Amphisbaena hastata Vanzoloni

  • Amphisbaena hastata Vanzolini, 1991a (p. 259). Type locality, Brazil: Bahia: Ibiraba (10°48′S, 42°50′W). Holotype: MZUSP 68503. Paratopotypes: MZUSP 68504, 72611–72613, 72614.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Vanzolini (1991a: 259–262). See also Rodrigues (1996, distribution).


    Brazil; Bahia.

    Amphisbaena heathi Schmidt

  • Amphisbaena heathi K. Schmidt, 1936: 29. Type locality: Brazil; Rio Grande do Norte: Baixa Verde, now Jodo Camara (05°32′S, 35°48′W). Holotype: CAS 49374. Paratype: CAS 49424 (Ceara Mirim, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1965b: 615).


    Known from the types only.

    Amphisbaena heterozonata Burmeister

  • Amphisbaena heterozonata Burmeister, 1861: 527. Type locality: “Tucumán” (Gans, 1966c).

  • Amphisbaena vermicularis darwini Liebermann, 1939.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1966c). See also Alvarez and Tedesco (1981, distribution), Avila et al. (2000, conservation status), Benitez et al. (1992, anatomy), Birabén (1953, anatomy), Cabrera (1993, distribution), Cabrera and Merlini (1990, diet), De Carlo (1957, anatomy), De la Serna de Esteban (1960, 1965, anatomy), Flower (1925, longevity), Fugler (1989, distribution), Gallardo (1966, 1967, 1969, 1970a, 1970b, 1973, 1976, ecology), Gallardo et al. (1985, distribution), Laurent and Teran (1981, distribution), Lavilla et al. (1994, identification), Mangione and Montero (2001, embryology), Montero et al. (1999, embryology), Montero (1996b, distribution), Montero and Terol (1999, distribution), Quiroga (1977, 1979, anatomy), Richter (1933, anatomy), Rosenberg (1967, hemipenes), Sotelo and Trujillo-Cenóz (1958, histology)


    Central to north Argentina, southern Bolivia and central Paraguay.

    Amphisbaena hiata Montero and Céspedes 2002

  • Amphisbaena hiata Montero and Céspedes, 2002: 792. Type locality: Argentina: Corrientes Province, Capital Department, Laguna Brava (27°30′S, 58°43′W). Holotype: MZUSP 91638.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Yanosky et al. (1993), Montero (1993a, b; 1994, 1996b, 2004).


    Argentina (Formosa, Corrientes provinces).

    Amphisbaena hogei Vanzolini

  • Amphisbaena darwini hogei Vanzolini, 1950: 69. Type locality: Brazil; São Paulo: Ilha dos Alcatrazes (24°05′S, 45°42′W). Holotype: DZ 6905. Paratypes: DZ 6906–6920.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1966c: 250).


    Brazil, eastern São Paulo to Santa Catarina. Ilha dos Alcatrazes, Ilha Queimada Grande.

    Amphisbaena hugoi Vanzolini

  • Amphisbaena hugoi Vanzolini, 1989: 525. Type locality: Brazil; Amazonas, Balbina (01° 53′S, 59° 28′W). Holotype: MZUSP 68644.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Vanzolini (1989: 525–528).


    Known only from type.

    Amphisbaena hyporissor Thomas

  • Amphisbaena gonavensis hyporissor R. Thomas, 1965a: 5. Type locality: “13.1 mi. (20.9 km) SW of Enriquillo, Pedernales Province, Republica Dominicana”. Holotype: MCZ 77149. Paratypes: ASFS X9974–X9976; AMNH 92792–92795; KU 79824, 79825; RT 754, 755; UIMNH 55600–55602; MCZ 77150 (5 miles northeast of Oviedo, Pedernales Province).

  • Discussion of Form:

    R. Thomas (1965a: 5). See also Powell (1992, distribution), and Schwartz and Henderson (1991).


    Southeastern portion of Barahona Peninsula, Hispaniola. Known from the types only.

    Amphisbaena ibijara Rodrigues, Andrade and Dias Lima 2003

  • Amphisbaena ibijara Rodrigues, Andrade and Dias Lima, 2003: 21. Type locality: Brazil: Maranhão, Urbano Santos, Fazenda Santo Amaro (03°13′34″—03°14′58″S, 43°24′59″— 43°25′45″ W). Holotype: MZUSP 91989.

  • Range:

    Known from types locality only.

    Amphisbaena ignatiana Vanzolini

  • Amphisbaena ignatiana Vanzolini, 1991b: 374. Type locality: Brazil; Bahia, Santo Indicio (11°06′S, 42°44′W). Holotype: MZUSP 72616. Paratopotypes: MZUSP 72615, 72617–72619.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Vanzolini (1991b: 264–271). See also Rodrigues (1996, distribution).


    Brazil; Bahia.

    Amphisbaena innocens Weinland

  • Amphisbaena innocens Weinland, 1862: 137. Type locality: “In einem lichten Schlage von Campiche-Holz in der Nähe des Hafen-Städtchens Jérémie”, Haiti. Syntypes: MCZ 3624, 3625; ZMB 1386.

  • Amphisbaena weinlandi K. Schmidt, 1928: 29. Lapsus for A. innocens, hence not available (International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 1961: art. 33b).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans and Alexander (1962: 107) and R. Thomas (1965: 1). See also Cochran (1941, systematics), Henderson and Schwartz (1984, identification), Henderson et al. (1984, identification), Schwartz and Henderson (1991, distribution), and Schwartz and Thomas (1975, distribution).


    Southwestern Hispaniola.

    Amphisbaena innocens caudalis Cochran

  • Amphisbaena caudalis Cochran, 1928b: 58. Type locality: “Grande Cayemite Island, Haiti”. Holotype: MCZ 25550. Paratype: MCZ 25551.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans and Alexander (1962: 110).


    Grande Cayemite Island, Haiti. Known from the types only.

    Amphisbaena leberi Thomas

  • Amphisbaena gonavensis leberi R. Thomas, 1965b: 7. Type locality: “5 km N of Pedernales, Pedernales Province, Republica Dominicana.” Holotype: MCZ 77218. Paratypes: AMNH 92827, 92828; ASFS V2595, V2596 (8 km north of Pedernales);V2676–V2678; KU 79855, 79856; MCZ 77219; RT 985; UIMNH 55627, 55628 (Pedernales).

  • Discussion of Form:

    R. Thomas (1965b: 7). See also Powell (1992, distribution).


    Low elevations of northwestern Barahona Peninsula, Hispaniola. Known from the types only.

    Amphisbaena leeseri Gans

  • Amphisbaena leeseri Gans, 1964d: 554. Type locality: Brazil; Mato Grosso do Sul, Urucum (19°10′S, 57°39′W). Holotype: IMZUT 2748B. Paratypes: IMZUT 2748A, 2748C–2748E.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1964b). See also Gans (1967f, variation).


    Brazil (southwestern Mato Grosso) to northern Paraguay (Rio Apa). One specimen from central Mato Grosso in the Museo Nacional collection, Rio de Janeiro.

    Amphisbaena leucocephala W.C.H. Peters

  • Amphisbaena leucocephala W.C.H. Peters, 1878b: 779. Type locality: Brazil; Bahia. Holotype: ZMB 1379.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1965d: 402) cited this as a species inquirenda on the basis of two specimens. See also Gans (1971c), and Goeldi (1902).


    Brazil, Bahia.

    Amphisbaena lumbricalis Vanzolini

  • Amphisbaena lumbricalis Vanzolini, 1996: 294. Type locality: Brazil: Alagoas: Planta Hidroelectrica de Xingo, Bajo Rio San Francisco, left side. Holotype: MZUSP 79433. Paratypes: MZUSP 79434–79490 (57 specimens), same data as the holotype; MZUSP 79419–79432 (14 specimens), right side of the river, Sergipe.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Vanzolini (1996).


    Brazil (states of Alagoas and Sergipe).

    Amphisbaena manni Barbour

  • Amphisbaena manni Barbour, 1914a: 318. Type locality: “Cape Haitien, Haiti”. Holotype: MCZ 8645. Paratypes: MCZ 8646, 8647; USNM 67113.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans and Alexander (1962: 113). See also Cochran (1941), Henderson and Schwartz (1984, identification), Henderson et al. (1984, identification), Huntington et al. (1996, variation), Rhoten (1970, 1972, pancreatic islets), Schwartz and Henderson (1991), Schwartz and Thomas (1975, distribution), Thomas and Thomas (1978, ecology).


    Hispaniola, except for the southwestern quadrant.

    Amphisbaena medemi Gans and Mather

  • Amphisbaena medemi Gans and Mather, 1977: 22. Type locality: Colombia; Atlántico, Ciénaga de Amajahuevo (10°24′N, 75°03′W).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans and Mather (1977: 22). See also Hoogmoed and Avila-Pires (1991, distribution), and Vanzolini (1986, distribution).


    Colombia, Atlantico, Cienaga de Amajehuevo.

    Amphisbaena mensae Castro-Mello

  • Amphisbaena mensae Castro-Mello, 2000: 244. Type locality: Brazil: Goiás: Serra da Mesa, Setor 2 (14°02′S, 48°19′W). Holotype: MZUSP 83231.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Castro-Mello (2000).


    Known from the types only.

    Amphisbaena mertensi Strauch

  • Amphisbaena mertensii Strauch, 1881: col. 66. Type locality: “Wahrscheinlich an irgend einem Küstenpunkte Süd Amerikas”; restricted to “State of São Paulo, Brazil” (Gans, 1966a). Holotype: ZIL 311.

  • Amphisbaena bohlsii G. Boulenger, 1894a: 344. Type locality: “Near Asuncion, Paraguay.” Syntypes: BMNH,

  • Amphisbaena mattogrossensis Peracca, 1898: 1. Type locality: “Colonia Teresa Cristina; Matto-grosso, Brasile”. Holotype: IMZUT 2479.

  • Amphisbaena carruccii Masi, 1911: 230. Type locality: “Cerro S. Ana, Territorio de Misiones,” Argentina. Holotype: GZR 5556M.

  • Amphisbaena boulengeri Masi, 1911: 232. Type locality: “Cerro S. Ana, Territorio de Misiones”, Argentina. Holotype: Department of Zoology, University of Rome, unnumbered.

  • Amphisbaena albissima Amaral, 1933 [1932]: 56. Type locality: “Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil”. Holotype: DZ 1260 (in extremely poor condition).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1966a: 534). See also Abe (1984, temperature), Alvarez (1996a, distribution), Amaral (1933), Andrei (1979, distribution), Aquino et al. (1996, distribution), Avila et al. (2000, conservation status), Brito et al. (2001, behaviour), Chebez (1996), Cruz Neto and Abe (1993, gut content), Gans (1971c), Montero (1996c, distribution), Montero and Terol (1999, distribution), Murgel (1994), and Murgel (1994, distribution).


    Southeastern Brazil (São Paulo, Parana, Santa Catarina, Mato Grosso) to northern Argentina (Misiones, Corrientes) and eastern Paraguay.

    Amphisbaena miringoeira Vanzolini

  • Amphisbaena miringoeira Vanzolini, 1971: 191. Type locality: Brazil; Mato Grosso, Pôrto Velho, Rio Tapirapés (10°47′S, 51°00′W). Holotype: MZUSP 13756. Paratypes: MZUSP 13754, 13755, 13757, 13758.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Vanzolini (1971: 191–192). See also Hoogmoed and Avila-Pires (1991, distribution), and Vanzolini (1991a, variation).


    Known only from types.

    Amphisbaena mitchelli Procter

  • Amphisbaena mitchelli Procter, 1923: 1065. Type locality: Brazil; Para, Island of Marajo (10°00′S, 49°30′W). Holotype: BMNH 1923.11.9.90:RR1946.8.2.31.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1963b: 3, 1964e: 192). See also Amaral (1937d), Cunha and Nascimento (1982, distribution), Duellman (1989), Elter (1981), and Hoogmoed and De Avila-Pires (1991, variation).


    Mouth of the Amazon (Tocantins?), Marajo Island, and Belem, Para, Brazil.

    Amphisbaena munoai Klappenbach

  • Amphisbaena munoai Klappenbach, 1960: 3. Type locality: “Cerro de Animas, Departamento de Maldonado”, Uruguay. Holotype: MNHN 587. Paratypes: MNHN 173A–173D, 181A–181F, 583A–583E, 586, 588–591, 718A, 718B, 862ª–862C, 863, 865A–865C (Cerro de Animas); MNHN 178A, 178B, 182 (Cerro San Antonio, Piriapolis, Maldonado); MNHN 714 (Carpinterma, Rivera); MNHN 716 (Aguas Blancas, Lavalleja); MNHN 861A, 86lB (Zapican, Lavalleja); MNHN 864 (Sierras de Acegua, Cerro Largo); DZVU 37–1 (Cerro de Arequita, Lavalleja); DZVU 38, 142 (Cerro, Montevideo). Type locality, Uruguay: Maldonado: Cerro de Animas (34°42′S, 55°19′W).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1966c: 243). See also Marx (1976, catalog of types), and Gudynas (1981, distribution).


    Elevated areas of the southern and eastern portion of Uruguay, north into Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

    Amphisbaena myersi Hoogmoed

  • Amphisbaena myersi Hoogmoed, 1989: 67. Type locality: Surinam; Jodensavanne (05°25′N, 54°59′W). Holotype: AMNH 130478.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Hoogmoed (1989: 67). See also Hoogmoed and De Avila-Pires (1991, variation).


    Known only from type.

    Amphisbaena neglecta Dunn and Piatt

  • Amphisbaena neglecta Dunn and Piatt, 1936: 527. Type locality: “Chapada, Matto Grosso, Brazil”. Holotype: ANSP 13019. Paratypes: ANSP 13020–13022. Type locality; Brazil: Mato Grosso: Chapada, now Chapada dos Guimarades (15°26′S, 55°45′W).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1962b, 1964c). See also Dunn and Dunn (1940), Hoogmoed and Avila-Pires (1991, distribution), and Vanzolini (1991a, 1997, variation).


    Brazil, east-central Mato Grosso into central Goiaz.

    Amphisbaena nigricauda Gans

  • Amphisbaena nigricauda Gans, 1966c: 252. Type locality: Brazil; Espirito Santo, Refugio Sooretama (19°00′S, 40°00′W). Holotype: MNRJ R3305. Paratypes: AMNH 97205, CG 3207.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1966c: 252). See also Vanzolini (1991a, variation).


    Known from the types only.

    Amphisbaena occidentalis Cope

  • Amphisbaena occidentalis Cope, 1876: 176. Type locality: “Valley of Jequetepeque,” north coast of Peru (07°22′S, 79°34′W). Syntypes: ANSP 11355–11358.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1961d: 7). See also Boulenger (1890a), Cope (1876, 1892a), and Stejneger (1911).


    Coastal plain of Peru, from Chimbote to Chiclay (CG 2767, plus three in a private collection in Lima).

    Amphisbaena pericensis Noble

  • Amphisbaena pericensis Noble, 1921: 141. Type locality: Peru: Cajamarca: Perico (05°21′S, 78°47′W). Holotype: MCZ 14631. Paratypes: AMNH 28501; CAS 54614; CNHM 16106, 16107, 73371; DZ 1059; MCZ 14764, 14765, 14767, 14768, 14770, 14772–14775; MCZ 14789, 14790 (Bellavista); SMF 11826, 11887, 11888; UIMNH 41494; UMMZ 55676A, 55676B; USNM 75970; ZMB 29659 (Perico); USNM 59926 (Chinchipe River); USNM 60057, 60058 (Maraqon River).

  • Range:

    Peru. “Arid inland valleys of the Chichipe and Maraqon, from Perico on the north to Bellavista on the South” (Noble).

    Amphisbaena plumbea Gray

  • Amphisbaena plumbea Gray, 1872: 36. Type locality: “Mendoza”, Argentina. Holotype: BMNH

  • Amphisbaena minuta Hulse and McCoy, 1979: 2. Type locality: Argentina; Catamarca, Bolson de Pipanaco (28°07′S, 66°25′W). Holotype: CM 65531. Paratypes: CM 65532, 65533.

  • Discussion of Form:

    H. Parker (1928: 383). See also Acosta et al. (1996, distribution), Avila et al. (1998, distribution; 2000, conservation status), Cabrera (1993, distribution), Cei (1993, biology), Cei and Roig (1974), Gallardo (1971a, 1971b, distribution), Gans and Diefenbach (1972, variation), Liebermann (1937, 1939), Montero (1992b, variation; 1996b, distribution), and Vega and Bellegamba (1994, distribution).


    South-central Argentina.

    Amphisbaena polygrammica Werner

  • Amphisbaena polygrammica Werner, 1900: 5. Type locality: Peru; Junin; Chanchamayo (11°04′S, 75°19′W). Holotype: Formerly Dresden D1741 (Schüz, 1929: 6); destroyed.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Werner (1900: 5). The description reminds one of A. occidentalis, not of A. plumbea.


    Known from type only.

    Amphisbaena pretrei Duméril and Bibron

  • Amphisbaena pretrei Duméril and Bibron, 1839: 468. Type locality: “Brésil”. Lectotype (Gans, 1965c): MHNP A-3110. Lectoparatype: MHNP A-555.

  • Amphisbaena petraei Gray, 1865: 447. Lapsus, hence not available (International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 1961: art. 33b).

  • Amphisbaena subocularis W.C.H. Peters 1878b: 779. Type locality: “Pernambuco”, Brazil. Holotype: ZMB 7069.

  • Amphisbaena pretrii G. Boulenger, 1885e: 440. Emendation.

  • Amphisbaena brachyura Amaral, 1932: 55. Type locality: “Maceis, Alagoas”, Brazil. Holotype: DZ 1248B (apparently lost).

  • Amphisbaena petrei Amaral, 1937b: 197. Lapsus, hence not available (International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 1961: art. 33b).

  • Discussion of Form:

    K. Schmidt (1936: 29) and Gans (1965c: 391). See also Amaral (1933, 1934, 1935a), Gans (1971c), Guibé (1954), Elter (1981), Rodrigues (1996, distribution), and Vanzolini (1974, distribution).


    Brazil (Rio Grande do Norte to Minas Gerais [Rio de Janeiro?]).

    Amphisbaena prunicolor (Cope)

  • Aporarchus prunicolor Cope, 1885: 189. Type locality: “Sao Joao do Monte Negro, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (29°42′S, 51°28′W)”. Holotype: ANSP 12969.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1966c: 246). See also B. Alvarez (1996b, distribution).


    Northern Argentina (Misiones) and southeastern Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul, possibly north into Espirito Santo).

    Amphisbaena ridleyi Boulenger

  • Amphisbaena ridleyi G. Boulenger, 1890b: 481. Type locality: “Porto Bello” (= Brazil, according to G. Boulenger, 1890a) and “Fernando Noronha,” Brazil; restricted to “Fernando da Noronha, Brazil” (Gans, 1963d: 103). Lectotype: BMNH Lectoparatypes: BMNH–88.l.19.16; KM R-4443; MCZ 10789; MHNP 90–419; SMF 11825; BMNH V.2.2a:RR-1960.1.4.39 (“Porto Bello, W. Indies” = “Brazil”).

  • Amphisbaena caeca Cuvier (= A. ridleyi Boulenger; cf. Gans and Alexander 1962: 82)

  • Sarea caeca Gray, 1844: 71 (= A. ridleyi Boulenger; cf. Gans and Alexander 1962: 82).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1963c). See also Amaral (1937b, 1937d), Anon. (1980a, conservation; 1988, taxonomy), Estes and Williams (1984, dentition), Gans (1971c), Goeldi (1902), Guibé (1954), Laurent (1973, distribution).


    Island of Fernando da Noronha, Brazil.

    Amphisbaena rozei Lancini

  • Amphisbaena rozei Lancini, 1963: 1. Type locality: Venezuela; Bolivar, headwaters of Cafio Majagua (enters the Rio Chipura at 05°30′N, 64°40′W). Holotype: MCNC 178. Paratype: MCNC 13.

  • Discussion of Form:

    None. The description is brief, and it is particularly unfortunate that the species has not been compared with Amphisbaena spurrelli with which it shares certain characteristics. But see also Hoogmoed and Avila-Pires (1991, distribution).


    Venezuela. Known from the types only.

    Amphisbaena sanctaeritae Vanzolini

  • Amphisbaena sanctaeritae Vanzolini, 1994: 30. Type locality: Brazil: Santa Rita do Passa Quatro (21°42′S, 47°28′W). Holotype: MZUSP 36719.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Vanzolini (1994).


    Known only from the holotype.

    Amphisbaena schmidti Gans

  • Amphisbaena schmidti Gans, 1964b: 3. Type locality: “Orilla (Cunta) Carrcamo, Isabella, Puerto Rico”; corrected to Isabela, Orilla (cuneta.) Carretera Ccno (by M.J. Velez in communication to R. Thomas). Holotype: MCZ 73115. Paratypes: UPRRP 1290; CM 36277 (Salinas, Puerto Rico); KM R4414; R4416 (Aguadilla, Puerto Rico); UPRRP 2502 (2 miles east of Cueva del Indio, Highway P.R. 681, Puerto Rico).

  • Discussion of Form:

    R. Thomas (1966: 14). See also McCoy and Richmond (1966), Rosenberg (1967, hemipenes), Schwartz and Henderson (1988; 1991, distribution), Schwartz and Thomas (1975, distribution), and Thomas (1999).


    Northwestern Puerto Rico.

    Amphisbaena silvestrii Boulenger

  • Amphisbaena silvestrii G. Boulenger, 1902: 287. Type locality: Brazil; Mato Grosso, Cuyaba (= Cuiaba) (15°36′S, 56°05′W). Holotype: MSNG C.E. 28308.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1962b; 1964c), Vanzolini (1997). See also Dirksen and De la Riva (1999, distribution), Gans (1964d, distribution), Hoogmoed and Avila-Pires (1991, distribution), Valdujo and Nogueira (2001, distribution), and Vanzolini (1991a, 1991c, variation).


    Brazil, central Mato Grosso from Rio Tocantins, west into Bolivia.

    Amphisbaena slateri Boulenger

  • Amphisbaena slateri G. Boulenger, 1907a: 487. Type locality: Peru; Puno, Valley of the Rio San Gaban (enters the Rio Inambari at 13°25′S, 70°18′W). Holotype: BMNH 1907.5.2.4: RR1946.8.31.82.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1967e). See also Dirksen and De la Riva (1999, distribution), and Fugler (1989, distribution).


    Known from the type and from two Bolivian specimens (ZMH 3434 and ZMB 10888) that possibly represent a distinct southern race.

    Amphisbaena slevini Schmidt

  • Amphisbaena slevini K. Schmidt, 1936: 31. Type locality: Brazil; Amazonas, Manaus (03°07′S, 60°00′W). Holotype: CAS 49809.

  • Range:

    Known from the vicinity of the type locality only.

    Amphisbaena spurrelli Boulenger

  • Amphisbaena spurrelli G. Boulenger, 1915: 659. Type locality: Colombia; Chocó, Andagoya (05°06′N, 76°40′W). Lectotype: BMNH 1915.10.21.9 (Gans, 1962d: 3). Lectoparatype: BMNH 1915.10.21.8.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1962d: 2). See also Auth (1994, distribution), and Villa et al. (1988, distribution).


    Northern Colombia to Panama.

    Amphisbaena stejnegeri Ruthven

  • Amphisbaena stejnegeri Ruthven, 1922b: 1. Type locality: British Guyana; Demerara, Vreed en Rust (06°27′N, 58°19′W). Holotype: UMMZ 55858.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1963b: 3).


    Coastal Guyana (formerly British Guiana).

    Amphisbaena talisiae Vanzolini

  • Amphisbaena talisiae Vanzolini, 1995: 217. Type locality: Brazil; Mato Grosso, Serra da Pitomba (15°49′S, 52°10′W). Holotype: MZUSP 78808.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Vanzolini (1995: 217). See also Castro-Mello (2000, variation).


    Brazil (Mato Grosso).

    Amphisbaena townsendi Stejneger

  • Amphisbaena townsendi Stejneger, 1911: 283. Type locality: “Piura, Peru.” Holotype: USNM 47987.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1961d: 8).


    Coastal plain of Peru, from Piura to Lobitos.

    Amphisbaena trachura Cope

  • Amphisbaena trachura Cope, 1885: 189. Type locality: Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul: San Joao do Monte Negro, now Montenegro (29°42′S, 51°28′W). Holotype: ZMB 6255 (possibly lost).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1966c: 237).


    Brazil (São Paulo to Rio Grande do Sul) into northern Uruguay and extreme northeastern Argentina.

    Amphisbaena tragorrhectes Vanzolini

  • Amphisbaena tragorrhectes Vanzolini, 1971: 192. Type locality: Brazil; Pard, Oriximind (10°46′S, 55°5′W). Holotype: MZUSP 17518.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Vanzolini (1971: 192). See also Hoogmoed and Avila-Pires (1991, distribution), and Vanzolini (1986, variation).


    Known only from type.

    Amphisbaena vanzolinii Gans

  • Amphisbaena vanzolinii Gans, 1963b: 13. Type locality: Guyana; Marudi (02°05′N, 59°00′W). Holotype: AMNH 60975. Paratype: AMNH 60778.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Hoogmoed and Avila-Pires (1991). See also Hoogmoed (1975, 1989).


    Known from the types and two additional specimens (KU 69817, 69818).

    Amphisbaena varia Laurenti

  • Amphisbaena varia Laurenti, 1768: 66. Type locality: “America” = Panama (cf. Vanzolini, 1951a: 59). Holotype: Not designated. Neotype (Vanzolini, 1951a: 61): MCZ 22070 (Barro Colorado Island, Panama, Canal Zone). Neoparatypes: BMNH 1914.5.21.25 (Pena Lisa, Condoto, Colombia); MCZ 37874, 37123 (Panama City); MCZ 24003 (Frijoles, Canal Zone); MCZ 18925 24004 (Monte Lirio, Canal Zone); MCZ 18924 (near Gatun, Canal Zone); MCZ 37106 (mid-basin of Chagres River and Pequeni River); USNM 38399 (Chagres River-Bohio); USNM 37859 (Canal Zone).

  • Amphisbaena fuliginosa varia Vanzolini, 1951a: 61.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Vanzolini (1951a: 61). See also Miyata (1982, distribution).


    Panama and Colombia southward to near Villavicencio; southwestward to Ecuador and eastward to Venezuela near Trinidad.

    Amphisbaena vermicularis Wagler

  • Amphisbaena vermicularis Wagler, 1824: 72. Type locality: “In provincia Bahiae, … aux environs de la ville de Bahia,” Brazil. Holotype: ZSM 660/0.

  • Amphisbaena vermicularis centralis Amaral, 1935c: 255; 1937a: 1725. Type locality: “Canna Brava, Gomas”, Brazil. Holotype: DZ 6618. Paratypes: DZ 1925, 6575, 6588, 6619– 6622, 6673 (Rio Pandeiro, Minas Gerais); DZ 6474 (Agude Soledade, Estado de Parahyba).

  • Amphisbaena spixi K. Schmidt, 1936: 30. Type locality: “Ceara Mirim, Rio Grande do Norte,” Brazil. Holotype: CAS 49423. Paratypes: CAS 49896 (Brazil); CNHM 64421, 64422 (Marx, 1958: 453).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Vanzolini (1949: 105) and Gans and Amdur (1966: 71). See also Amaral (1935c, distribution; 1937b, 1937d, 1937c), Beçak et al. (1973b, chromosomes), Bertoni (1914, distribution), Castro-Mello (2000, variation), Cendrero (1972, distribution), Cunha (1961), Dirksen and de la Riva (1999, distribution), Duarte de Barros Filho and Valverde (1996, distribution), Fugler (1989, distribution), Gans (1965d, variation), Hochstetter (1898, anatomy), Hoogmoed and De Avila-Pires (1991, variation), Hoogmoed and Gruber (1983, distribution), Montero and Terol (1999, distribution), Peracca (1894, 1904, distribution), Rodrigues (1996, distribution), Rosenberg (1967, hemipenes), Schmidt (1936), and Vanzolini (1974, distribution, 1976, 1991b, variation).


    Brazil, south of the Amazon to Minas Gerais, inland across Goiaz and Mato Grosso, into Bolivia.

    Amphisbaena wiedi Vanzolini

  • Amphisbaena fuliginosa wiedi Vanzolini, 1951a: 62. Type locality: “Santa Maria, Bama, Brazil.” Holotype: AMNH 1091. Paratypes: AMNH 1092, 1093.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Vanzolini (1951a: 62).


    Known from the type locality and the lower Amazon. The latter specimen is in the Departamento de Zoologia of São Paulo, Brazil.

    Amphisbaena xera Thomas

  • Amphisbaena xera R. Thomas, 1966: 7. Type locality: “7 km E of Guanica, Puerto Rico, elevation 600 ft (183 m)”. Holotype: MCZ 81019. Paratypes: AMNH 94170, ASFS V5722, V5723; ASFS V5659 (7.1 kilometers east of Guanica); ASFS V5646, V5662, UIMNH 56910, USNM 152588 (7.3 kilometers east of Guanica); UMMZ 73844 (Sabana Grande); ASFS V6148, V6408 (8 kilometers east-southeast of San German, on the south slope of Cerro Algarrobo); ASFS V6423 (1.5 kilometers west-northwest of San German): ASFS V6427 (3 kilometers northeast of San German); UPR 84a, 84b, 86 (Mayaguéz); MCZ 36301 (16 kilometers east of Juana Dmaz); ASFS V5800 (6.2 kilometers east of Juana Dmaz); UMMZ 73846 (4.8 kilometers east of Juana Dmaz); ASFS V6587 (2.3 kilometers east of Juana Dmaz); ASFS V6616–V6618 (4.6 kilometers west, thence 1.1 kilometers northwest, of Juana Dmaz); ASFS V6646–V6657, CM 40577, 40578, RT 1333, 1334 (4.6 kilometers west, thence 1.9 kilometers northwest of Juana Dmaz); ASFS V6619, V6636–V6640 (4.6 kilometers west, thence 4.6 kilometers northwest of Juana Dmaz), UPR 91 (no data).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Thomas (1966: 7). See also Kluge (1984, catalogue of types), McCoy and Censky (1982, catalogue of types), Rivero (1978), Schwartz and Henderson (1988, 1991), Schwartz and Thomas (1975, distribution), and Schwartz et al. (1978).


    Central to western parts of the southern xeric coastal plain of Puerto Rico; perhaps also on Caja de Muertos.

    Genus Ancylocranium Parker

  • Ancylocranium H. Parker, 1942: 57. Type species: Anops somalicus Scortecci, by original designation.

  • Ancyclocranium Loveridge, 1957: 237. Lapsus, hence not available (International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 1961: art. 33b).

  • See discussion in H. Parker (1942: 59) and Gans and Kochva (1966: 88). The variability of the skull shown by the latter authors suggests that this genus may be invalid and that these forms may belong in the genus Baikia.

    Ancylocranium barkeri Loveridge

  • Ancylocranium barkeri Loveridge, 1946: 73. Type locality: “Mbemkuru River, Lindi Province, Tanganyika”. Holotype: MCZ 48950.

  • Ancylocranium barkeri barkeri Loveridge, 1962.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1955: 177, 1962: 2) and Gans and Kochva (1966: 106). See also Broadley and Howell (1991: list).


    Known from the types only.

    Ancylocranium haasi Gans and Kochova

  • Ancylocranium ionidesi haasi Gans and Kochva, 1966: 102. Type locality: “Mtene, Rondo Plateau, Lindi District, Tanganyika”. Holotype: MCZ 57189. Paratypes: CG 1130, 1665–1682.

  • Discussion of Form:

    None, but see Broadley and Howell (1991: list).


    Tanzania, Southern Province, Rondo Plateau.

    Ancylocranium ionidesi Loveridge

  • Ancylocranium ionidesi Loveridge, 1955: 177. Type locality: “Kilwa, Southern Province, Tanganyika Territory”. Holotype: MCZ 52530. Paratypes: MCZ 52531 (Kilwa); BMNH 1954.1.13.68; MCZ 53112 (Kilongo, Kilwa).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1962: 2) and Gans and Kochva (1966: 99). See also Broadley and Howell (1991: list).


    Tanzania, Southern Province, Kilwa District.

    Ancylocranium newalae Loveridge

  • Ancylocranium barkeri newalae Loveridge, 1962: 1. Type locality: “Newala, Southern Province, Tanganyika”. Holotype: MCZ 67001. Paratypes: BMNH 1959.1.05.18, 1962.177, 1962.178; MCZ 67002–67004.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans and Kochva (1966: 109). See also Broadley and Howell (1991: list).


    Known from the types only.

    Ancylocranium parkeri Gans and Kochva

  • Ancylocranium somalicum parkeri Gans and Kochva, 1966: 95. Type locality: “460 EX8020′ N in the Haud, Northern Territory, Somali Republic, at … 2100 feet.” Holotype: BMNH 1958.1.3.49. Paratypes: BMNH 1958.1.3.50, 1958.1.3.51 (longitude 45058°E, latitude 8024°N, and longitude 45043°E, latitude 8026°N, 2300 and 2350 feet).

  • Discussion of Form:



    Somali Republic, Northern Territory, Haud.

    Ancylocranium somalicum (Scortecci)

  • Anops somalicum Scortecci, 1931a: 6. Type locality: “Caitoi, Uebi Scebeli”, Somali Republic. Lectotype (Gans and Kochva, 1966: 93): IMZUT 3556. Lectoparatype: MSNM 1294 (Benadir Province, Somali Republic).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 370) and Gans and Kochva (1966: 92). See also Joger (1987, biogeography), and Lanza (1983, distribution).


    Somali Republic, mouth of Giuba River to Eggi.

    Genus Anops Bell

  • Anops Bell, 1833a: 99. Type species: Anops kingii, by monotypy.

  • Anopsibaena Stejneger, 1916: 85. New name for Anops Bell, thought to be preoccupied by Anops Oken, 1815: 358, a name later (Hemming, 1956: 3) shown to be unavailable.

  • See discussion in Vanzolini (1951b: 115) and Gans and Rhodes (1964: 3).

    Anops bilabialatus Stimson

  • Anops bilabialatus Stimson, 1972: 205. Type locality: 260 km north of Xavantina, Estado do Mato Grosso, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 21276. Paratypes: BMNH 1971.1028, 1971.1029, UMMZ 131700, MZUSP 21277.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Stimson (1972: 205). See also Vanzolini (1986, 1999, variation).


    Known only from the types.

    Anops kingi Bell

  • Anops kingii Bell, 1833a: 99, 1835: 391. Type locality: “In America Australi.” Type: Apparently lost.

  • Amphisbaena galeata Wiegmann, 1834: 21. Gray, 1844: 72. Nomen nudum.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans and Rhodes (1964: 3) and Vanzolini (1999). See also Cendrero (1972, distibution), Dely (1970, variation), Gallardo (1970a, ecology; 1971b, ecology, distribution; 1973, conservation; 1977, 1979, 1982, distribution), Laurent and Teran (1981, distribution), Montero (1992a, 1996b, distribution), Müller and Böhler (1972, taxonomy), Vaz-Ferreira et al. (1970, 1973, oviposition), Vega (2001, ecology, reproduction), and Williams and Wichman (1989, distribution).


    Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul), Uruguay, and Argentina (inland to Cordoba, south to Rio Negro).

    Genus Aulura Barbour

  • Aulura Barbour, 1914b: 96. Type species: Aulura anomala, by monotypy.

  • See discussion in Vanzolini (1951b: 121).

    Aulura anomala Barbour

  • Aulura anomala Barbour, 1914b: 96. Type locality: “Brazil.” Holotype: MCZ 4660.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Vanzolini (1948a: 275) and Cunha (1961: 172). See also Amaral (1937b, 1937d), Borges-Nojosa and Caramaschi (2000, distribution), Cunha (1961), Gans (1971d, variation;1974b, distribution), and Montero (1997b, skull).


    States of Para and Marahão (BMNH 1934.5.28.1 from Barra-do-Corda), Brazil.

    Genus Baikia Gray

  • Baikia Gray, 1865: 450. Type species: Baikia africana, by monotypy.

  • See discussion in H. Parker (1942: 59) and Gans and Kochva (1966: 88).

    Baikia africana Gray

  • Baikia africana Gray, 1865: 451. Type locality: “West Africa”. Holotype: BMNH RR1946.8.2.10.

  • Anops africanus Tornier (1902).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 369), H. Parker (1942: 59), and Dunger (1965: 217). (See comment under Ancylocranium.) See also Tornier (1902), and Welch (1982).


    Northern Nigeria.

    Genus Blanus Wagler

  • Blanus Wagler, 1830: 197. Type species: Amphisbaena cinerea Vandelli, by monotypy.

  • See discussion in Bedriaga (1884b: 23) and Vanzolini (1951b: 113).

    Blanus aporus Werner

  • Blanus aporus Werner, 1898: 220. Type locality: “Bei Mersina, cilicischen Taurus”, Turkey. Syntypes: BMNH 1898.4.7.2:RR1946.8.2.15, 1898.4.7.3:RR1946.8.2.16; IMZUT 2439; NMW 12310.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Alexander (1966b: 222). See also Van den Elzen (1980, defense reaction), and Franzen (1986, activity patterns).


    Turkey, east from Xanthus along the Mediterranean coast to Lebanon and Israel, inland to eastern Iraq.

    Blanus bedriagae Boulenger

  • Blanus bedriagae G. Boulenger, 1884b: 396. Type locality: “River Xantus, Asia Minor”, Turkey. Syntypes: BMNH, 1946.8.2.30, 1946.8.31.84–1946.8.31.93.

  • Blanus bedraigai [sic] Al-Jumaily, 1971.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Alexander (1966b: 222). See also Al-Jumaily (1983, distribution), Basoglu and Baran (1977, distribution), Gans (1971c, distribution), Manteufel (1993, distribution), and Nikolski (1963, distribution).


    Southwestern Turkey, vicinity of Xanthus.

    Blanus cinereus (Vandelli)

  • Amphisbaena reticulata Holmer, 1787: 30. Type locality: Unknown. Type: Lost. Petition for suppression of name submitted (Gans, 1961b: 223). Nomen oblitum (International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 1961: art. 23b).

  • Amphisbaena cinerea Baptista, 1789: 254. Nomen nudum, see Frade (1937: 257).

  • Amphisbaena cinerea Vandelli, 1797: 69. Type locality: “Lusitanica” = Portugal. Syntypes: Possibly ANSP 9672, collected by Vandelli and exchanged from the museum at Lisbon plus others.

  • Amphisbaena oxyura Wagler, 1824: 72. Type locality: “Environs maricageux de la ville de Rio de Janeiro”, Brazil, in error. Probably Iberian Peninsula (Wagler, 1830). Holotype: Not in the old catalogue of the Zoologische Sammlung des Bayerischen Staates Munich with the other Wagler types; probably lost.

  • Amphisbaena rufa Hemprich, 1820a: 103. Type locality: Unknown. Holotype: ZMB 1389. Gans (1967e, 1968a, 1969, per Wermuth in litt.) stated that the type was probably lost, but it has subsequently been rediscovered (Gans et al. 1997).

  • [Blanus] cinereus Wagler, 1830: 197. Emendation.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Mertens (1925b: 62, for Spanish records), Gans (1962a: 12), Bons (1963: 95), and Alexander (1966b: 221). See also Arnold and Burton (1978, identification), Barbadillo et al. (1998, diet), Barrio et al. (1994, distribution), Bauwens (1986, distribution), Busack (1978, activity patterns; 1988a, variation), Cavallo et al. (1993, variation), Cendrero (1972, distribution), Diaz-Paniagua et al. (1995, activity patterns), Durán (1985, sound production), Galan (1985, general), Gallardo (1970a, distribution), Gans and Wever (1975, hearing), Gil et al. (1993, variation, ecology), Gilpin (1971, general), Gómez Durán (1985, sound production), Hiraldo (1974, variation), Hoogmoed and Gruber (1983, variation), Langerwerf (1974, 1985, 1987, distribution), López and Martín (1994, communication), López and Salvador (1992, 1994, predatory behavior), López et al. (1991, diet; 1997, communication; 1998, thermal ecology), Malkmus (1982a, defense reaction; 1982b, 1990, 1991a, distribution; 1991b, activity pattern; 1996a, general; 1996b, ecology; 1997, distribution), Martín et al. (1990, body temperature; 1991, habitat selection; 2000, defensive reaction), Mattison and Smith (1978, distribution), Mellado et al. (1975, ecology), Perez-Santos and Moreno (1987, as prey), Regalado (1985, general), Renous-Léçuru et al. (1991, vestigial pelvis), Salvador (1981, distribution), Schleich and Kästle (1988, egg shells), Schleich et al. (1996, general), Schröder (1973, distribution), Stemmler (1971, 1972, distribution), Zapatero et al. (1990 [1991], parasites).


    Iberian Peninsula. Tangier.

    Blanus mettetali Bons

  • Blanus cinereus mettetali Bons, 1963: 104. Type locality: “Tarmilate (Oulmhs-les-Thermes), Maroc”. Holotype: MHNP 1963.1015. Paratype: ISCR 339.009 (“Taroudannt, vallie de l'oued Souss”).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Bons (1963: 95). See also Busack (1988a, activity patterns), Geniez et al. (1991, distribution), Schleich et al. (1996, biology), Stemmler (1971, distribution).


    Morocco, possibly into Algeria.

    Blanus strauchi Bedriaga

  • Blanus strauchi Bedriaga, 1884b: 35. Type locality: “Smyrna” (= Izmir, Turkey). Lectotype: BMNH, by present designation. Paratypes: ZIL 5903, plus three once in Bedriaga's personal collection.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Alexander (1966a: 671). See also Alexander (1964, vertebrae; 1966b, segmentation), Buttle (1990, distribution), Cameron and Gans (1977, taxonomy), Franzen (1993, distribution), Ondrias (1968, distribution), Lescure et al. (1990, taxonomy), Teynié (1991, distribution), and Valakos and Papapanagiotou (1985, distribution).


    Western Turkey.

    Blanus tingitanus Busack

  • Blanus tingitanus Busack, 1988a: 106. Type locality: Morocco; Kenitra Perfecture, Mehdiya-Plage. Holotype: UCMVZ 178095. Paratypes: UCMVZ 178096–178099, 178100, 178102, 186166–186170.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Busack (1988a: 106– 107). See also Schleich et al. (1996, biology).


    Known only from type locality.

    Genus Bronia Gray

  • Bronia Gray, 1865: 448. Type species: Bronia brasiliana by monotypy.

  • See discussion in Vanzolini (1951b: 114).

    Bronia bedai Vanzolini

  • Bronia bedai Vanzolini, 1991d: 380. Type locality: Brazil: Mato Grosso do Sul, Anastacio. Holotype: MZUSP 72988. Paratypes: MZUSP 73070, 73314, 73069.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Vanzolini (1991d: 380–387).


    Brazil; Mato Grosso do Sul.

    Bronia brasiliana Gray

  • Bronia brasiliana Gray, 1865: 448. Type locality: “Tropical America; Santarem, on the Amazons”, Brazil. Holotype: BMNH 1946.8.31.77.

  • Amphisbaena brasiliana Goeldi, 1902.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1971d). See also Vanzolini (1991d, variation).


    Lower Amazon, Santarem to Belem (specimen in the Departamento de Zoologia of São Paulo).

    Bronia kraoh Vanzolini

  • Bronia kraoh Vanzolini, 1971: 193. Type locality: Brazil; Pedro Afonso, Godiás. Holotype: MZUSP 2520.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Vanzolini (1971: 193,194). See also Vanzolini (1986, checklist; 1991d, variation).


    Known only from the type locality.

    Genus Cadea Gray

  • Cadea Gray, 1844: 71. Type species: Amphisbaena punctata Bell (= C. blanoides), by monotypy.

  • See discussion in Gans and Alexander (1962: 135).

    Cadea blanoides Stejneger

  • Amphisbaena punctata Bell, 1827: 236. Type locality: “In Ins. Cubb.” Holotype: BMNH 1946.8.2.20. Junior homonym of A. punctata Wied, 1825a (= Leposternon microcephalum Wagler, 1824).

  • Cadea blanoides Stejneger, 1916: 85. New name for Amphisbaena punctata.

  • Amphisbaena blanoides Hedges et al., 1992.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans and Alexander (1962: 136). See also Baker (1987, parasites), Estrada and Ruibal (1999), Iordansky (1984, 1994, anatomy), Schwartz and Henderson (1991, biology), Schwartz and Thomas (1975, distribution), and Zug and Schwartz (1958, variation).


    Western Cuba and Isla de Piños.

    Cadea palirostrata Dickerson

  • Cadea palirostrata Dickerson, 1916: 659. Type locality: “San Pedro, Isle of Pines, Cuba”. Holotype: AMNH 2717. Paratypes: AMNH 2718; MCZ 12052 (formerly AMNH 2719).

  • Amphisbaena palirostrata Hedges et al., 1992.

  • Genus Cercolophia Vanzolini

  • Cercolophia Vanzolini, 1992: 401. Type species: Amphisbaena roberti Gans, 1964, by original designation.

  • See discussion in Vanzolini (1992).

    Cercolophia absaberi Strussmann and de Carvalho

  • Cercolophia absaberi Strussmann and de Carvalho, 2001: 497. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Cáceres (16°10′S, 57°41′W). Holotype: ZUEC 1532. Paratypes: ZUEC 1528, 1529, 1531, 1533, 2092.

  • Range:

    Known only from the type locality.

    Cercolophia bahiana Vanzolini

  • Amphisbaena bahiana Vanzolini, 1964: 1. Type locality: “Vila Nova, Bahia, Brazil”. Holotype: DZ 1259.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1964d: 412). See also Tiedemann and Häupl (1980, variation), and Vanzolini (1992, variation; 2000).


    Bahia, Brazil.

    Cercolophia borellii Peracca

  • Amphisbaena borellii Peracca, 1897a: 8. Type locality: “Caiza (Chaco boliviano)”. Syntypes: BMNH; IMZUT 2043 (two specimens).

  • Amphisbaena steindachneri borellii Gans, 1964f.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1964f: 397). See also Dirksen and de la Riva (1999, distribution), Elter (1981), Lavilla et al. (1994, identification), Montero and Terol (1999, distribution), Montero et al. (1995, distribution, variation), Vanzolini (1992, variation), and Vides-Almonacid et al. (1998, distribution).


    Bolivia (Caiza and Santa Cruz de la Sierra) and northwestern Argentina (Salta and Tucumán), west of Paraguay.

    Cercolophia cuiabana Strussmann and de Carvalho

  • Cercolophia cuiabana Strussmann and de Carvalho, 2001: 489. Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Cuiabá (15°36′S, 56°06′W). Holotype: ZUEC 2083. Paratypes: ZUEC 2084–2091.

  • Range:

    Known only from the type locality.

    Cercolophia roberti Gans

  • Amphisbaena roberti Gans, 1964f: 402. Type locality: “Ypiranga, São Paulo, S.P., Brazil”. Holotype: DZ 1946. Paratypes: DZ 755, 1947; ZMH 1879A; DZ 1257, 1937 (São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1964f: 402). See also Aquino et al. (1996, distribution), Cruz Neto and Abe (1993, diet), Montero and Terol (1999, distribution), Moura-Leite et al. (1996, distribution), and Vanzolini (1991c, variation).


    Brazil, coastal São Paulo, inland into southwestern Minas Gerais, southern Goiaz and Parana and eastern Paraguay.

    Cercolophia steindachneri Strauch

  • Amphisbaena steindachneri Strauch, 1881, col. 81. Type locality: “Brasilien (Caigara; Matto-grosso).” Lectotype: NMW 12343 (Mato Grosso) (Gans, 1964f: 389). Lectoparatypes: NMW 12342 (Caigara); ZIL 312 (Brazil).

  • Rhinoblanus oxyrhynchus Strauch, 1881: col. 84. Manuscript name for types of A. steindachneri. Not available as published in synonymy (International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 1961: art. 11d.).

  • Range:

    Southwestern Brazil; possibly northwestern Paraguay.

    Genus Chirindia Boulenger

  • Chirindia G. Boulenger, 1907c: 478. Type species: Chirindia swynnertoni by monotypy.

  • Amphisbaenula Sternfeld, 1911c: 246. Type species: Amphisbaenula orientalis by original designation.

  • See discussion in R. Laurent (1947: 54), Vanzolini (1951b: 116), and Gans and Rhodes (1967), and the comments under the genus Amphisbaena.

    Chirindia bushbyi Cott

  • Chirindia bushbyi Cott, 1934: 158. Type locality: “Amatongas”, Mozambique. Holotype: BMNH 1933.7.1.3:RR1946.8.2.5.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 397), FitzSimons (1943: 383), and Broadley (1963a: 15).


    Known from the type only.

    Chirindia ewerbecki Werner

  • Chirindia ewerbecki Werner, 1910b: 37. Type locality: “Banja, 3 Stunden nördlich von Lindi, Deutsch-Ostafrika, an einer Meeresbucht. Boden schwarzsandig, nicht frei von Salz.” = Mbanja, 10 miles north of Lindi, Tanzania (Loveridge, 1941: 393). Holotype: Formerly in the Zoologisches Museum in Hamburg; destroyed.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 392, [1942] 1943, 1962: 4) and Gans and Rhodes (1967). See also Broadley and Howell (1991, distribution), and Zangerl (1944, skull; 1945, postcranial skeleton).


    Coastal Southern Province, Tanzania.

    Chirindia langi FitzSimons

  • Chirindia langi FitzSimons, 1939a: 8. Type locality: “Punda Maira (= Punda Milia), northeastern Transvaal”. Holotype: TMP 19197. Paratype: TMP 19198.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 399), FitzSimons (1943: 381), and Broadley and Gans (1978a: 46). See also Branch (1988a, identification), Jacobsen (1984, variation, ecology), and Pienaar et al. (1983, distribution).


    Known from the types only.

    Chirindia mpwapwaensis (Loveridge)

  • Amphisbaena mpwapwaensis Loveridge, 1932: 387. Type locality: “Mpwapwa, Ugogo, Tanganyika Territory”. Holotype: MCZ 30767. Paratype: MCZ 30768.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 391) and Gans and Rhodes (1967). See also Broadley and Howell (1991, distribution), and Rosenberg (1967, hemipenes).


    Known from the types only.

    Chirindia nanguruwensis (Loveridge)

  • Amphisbaena Cynisca nanguruwensis Loveridge, 1962: 5. Terra typica: “Nanguruwe, ca. 1600 feet, 8 miles south of Newala, Newala District, Southern Province, Tanganyika”. Holotype: MCZ 67010. Paratypes: MCZ 67011–67019 (plus 96 specimens).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans and Rhodes (1967).


    Nanguruwe and Newala, Southern Province, Tanzania.

    Chirindia occidentalis Jacobsen

  • Chirindia langi occidentalis Jacobsen, 1984: 391. Type locality: “Farm Crimea, 747 MS Soutpansberg district (22°56′S, 29°38′E), Transvaal. Altitude 870 m”. Holotype: TMP 55241. Paratypes: TMP 55242–55246, same data as for holotype;55250–55252, Farm Oorwinning 713 MS, Transvaal; TMP 55247–55248, Mpephu Location, Transvaal; TMP 55249, Farm Parkfield 725 MS; TMP 55253–55255, Vhuswinzhe, Venda; TMP 55256, Farm Roberton 748, Transvaal.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Jacobsen (1984).


    South Africa, Transvaal, along the northern ranges of the Soutpansberg.

    Chirindia orientalis (Sternfeld)

  • Amphisbaenula orientalis Sternfeld, 1911c: 246. Type locality: “Mikindani”, Tanzania. Syntypes: BMNH 1935.2.8.7:RR1946.8.2.18; MCZ 21904; ZMB 22067, 22407 (two specimens), 22408 (two specimens), 22409.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 396) and Gans and Rhodes (1967).


    Known from the type locality only.

    Chirindia rondoensis (Loveridge)

  • Amphisbaena rondoensis Loveridge, 1941: 394. Type locality: “Nchingidi, 2,700 feet, Rondo Plateau, Southern Province, Tanganyika Territory”. Holotype: MCZ 47951. Paratypes: AMNH 64274, 64275; BMNH 1947.3.1.6, 1947.3.1.7; CNHM 73372 (according to Marx, 1958: 452); MCZ 47952–47999, UIMNH 41495; UMMZ 86367 (two specimens) (J.A. Peters, 1952: 25).

  • Amphisbaena Cynisca newalaensis Loveridge, 1962: 4. Type locality: “Newala, on the edge of the Makonde Plateau at 2600 ft., … Newala District Southern Province Tanganyika.” Holotype: MCZ 67005. Paratypes: MCZ 67006– 67009; BMNH 1962.172–1962.176.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1962: 4) and Gans and Rhodes (1967). See also Kluge (1984, variation), Loveridge (1959, distribution), Marx (1958), Peters (1952), and Rosenberg (1966, 1967, hemipenes).


    Rondo and Makonde Plateau, Southern Province, Tanzania.

    Chirindia swynnertoni Boulenger

  • Chirindia swynnertoni G. Boulenger, 1907b: 48. Type locality: “Chirindia Forest in S.E. MashonaIand”, Southern Zimbabwe. Holotype: BMNH 1907.7.2.3:RR1946.8.2.36.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 397), FitzSimons (1943: 382), Broadley (1963a: 15, 1964: 1), and Broadley and Gans (1978a: 48). See also Branch (1988a, identification), Broadley and Blake (1979, distribution), and Broadley and Howell (1991, distribution).


    Known from the type and two additional specimens from Mozambique (Broadley, 1964).

    Genus Cynisca Gray

  • Cynisca Gray, 1844: 71. Type species: Amphisbaena leucura Duméril and Bibron, by monotypy.

  • Ophioproctes G. Boulenger, 1878: 300. Type species: Ophioproctes liberiensis, by monotypy.

  • Placogaster G. Boulenger, 1906: 203. Type species: Placogaster feae, by monotypy.

  • See discussion in R. Laurent (1947: 55, who included Placogaster here) and Vanzolini (1951b: 115), as well as comments under the genus Amphisbaena.

    Cynisca bifrontalis (Boulenger)

  • Amphisbaena bifrontalis G. Boulenger, 1906: 202. Type locality: “Fernand Vaz, French Congo”. Holotype: MSNG CE28163.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 383), and Gans (1987: 29, 32, 34).


    Known from the type only.

    Cynisca degrysi (Loveridge)

  • Placogaster degrysi Loveridge, 1941: 400. Type locality: “Lagos, Sierra Leone”. Holotype: Formerly ZMH R.K. 1070-E.K. 13179; destroyed.

  • Discussion of Form:

    R. Laurent (1947: 57) and Gans (1987: 34–35).


    Known from the (destroyed) holotype only. Type locality questionable.

    Cynisca feae (Boulenger)

  • Placogaster feae G. Boulenger, 1906: 203. Type locality: “Cassine River District, Portuguese Guinea”. Syntypes: BMNH 1906.3.30.34: RR1946.9.1.13, 1906.3.30.35:RR1946.9.1.14; MSNG CE28162 (seven specimens).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 401), R. Laurent (1947: 55), Manaças (1957a [1955]: 5), and Gans (1987: 35–37). See also Condamin and Villiers (1962, distribution), and Pauwels and Meirte (1996, variation).


    Guinea Bissau to eastern Sénègal and Gambia.

    Cynisca gansi Dunger

  • Cynisca gansi Dunger, 1968: 172. Type locality: “Okoloma village near Port Harcourt, Eastern Nigeria (4°42′N, 7°27′E)”. Holotype: AMNH 102409 (Dunger, 1968). Paratypes: AMNH 102410–102412, CG 3579–3580.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1987: 37–39). See also Dunger (1968, distribution).


    Known from the types only.

    Cynisca haughi (Mocquard)

  • Amphisbaena haughi Mocquard, 1904: 301. Type locality: “Gabon, à environ 50 kilometres au sud-ouest de Lambaréné”. Holotype: MHNP 01–531.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 384) and Gans (1987: 39–41).


    Known from the type only.

    Cynisca kigomensis Dunger

  • Cynisca kigomensis Dunger, 1968: 182. Type locality: “on the western escarpment of the Jos Plateau in the Kigom Hills, Northern Nigeria (approx. 9°47′N, 8°33′E)”. Holotype: AMNH 102424 (Dunger, 1968). Paratype: AMNH 102425.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1987: 41–43). See also Dunger (1968, distribution).


    Known from the types only.

    Cynisca kraussi (W.C.H. Peters)

  • Amphisbaena kraussi W.C.H. Peters, 1878a: 192. Type locality: “Westafrika”. Syntypes: ZMB 9375; KM R-4470.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 377, 1948: 213) and Gans (1987: 43–46).


    Southeastern Ghana.

    Cynisca lamottei (Angel)

  • Amphisbaena lamottei Angel, 1943b: 163. Type locality: “Pierri-Richaud, un des sommets du Mont Nimba (alt. 850 m.)”, Guinea. Holotype: MHNP 1943–65. Paratypes: MHNP 1943–63, 1943–64 (Kéoulenta, Mt. Nimba, altitude 500 meters).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Angel et al. (1954: 378). See also Guibé (1954, list).


    Known from the types only.

    Cynisca leonina (F. Müller)

  • Amphisbaena leonina F. Müller, 1885: 700. Type locality: “Tumbo Insel,” Los Archipelago, Guinea. Holotype: NMBA 3806.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 379) and Gans (1987: 46–48). See also Parker (1939, distribution).


    Tumbo and Kassa Islands, Los Archipelago, Coastal Guinea.

    Cynisca leucura (Duméril and Bibron)

  • Amphisbaena leucura Duméril and Bibron, 1839: 498. Type locality: “La côte de Guinée.” Holotype: RMNH 3555.

  • Amphisbaena macrura Duméril and Bibron, 1839: 499. Manuscript name for type of A. leucura; unavailable as published in synonymy (International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 1961: art. 11d).

  • Amphisbaena petersii G. Boulenger, 1906: 201. Type locality: “Gold Coast; and Jebba, Upper Niger, Nigeria.” Syntypes: BMNH RR1946.8.2.19: (Gold Coast); BMNH, RR1946.8.31.75 (Jebba, Upper Niger, Nigeria).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge, (1941: 377; 1952: 242), Gans (1987: 48–53). See also Huang and Gans (1971, chromosomes), Papenfuss (1969), Taylor and Weyer (1958, distribution), and Tornier (1901, distribution).


    Chad, Central African Republic, Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Ghana, southern Burkina Faso, and eastern Ivory Coast. Probably in south of Mali (Joger and Lambert 1996).

    Cynisca liberiensis (Boulenger)

  • Ophioproctes liberiensis G. Boulenger, 1878: 301. Type locality: “Liberia”. Holotype: IRSNB 2005.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 381), Gans (1987: 53–55). See also Brongersma (1935) and Taylor and Weyer (1958, distribution).


    Liberia, Sierra Leone to inland Guinea.

    Cynisca muelleri (Strauch)

  • Cynisca sp.? F. Müller, 1878: 622, 704. Type locality: “Akropong”, Ghana. Lectotype: NMBA 3808, by present designation of the illustrated specimen. Lectoparatype: NMBA 3807.

  • Amphisbaena mülleri Strauch, 1881: col. 68. Based on F. Müller's specimens, plus one (lectoparatype) specimen from “Sierra Leone”, SMNS 388.

  • Amphisbaena muelleri G. Boulenger, 1885e: 448. Emendation.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 379), Gans (1987: 55–57).


    Southeastern Ghana. The record from “Sierra Leone” is presumably an error.

    Cynisca nigeriensis Dunger

  • Cynisca nigeriensis Dunger, 1968: 177. Type locality: “in the vicinity of Takwashara, near Abuja (8°52′N, 7°27′E) in Northern Nigeria.” Holotype: AMNH 102413 (Dunger, 1968). Paratypes: AMNH 102414–102423; CG 3981– 3984.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1987: 57–59). See also Dunger (1968, distribution).


    Known from the types only.

    Cynisca oligopholis (Boulenger)

  • Amphisbaena oligopholis G. Boulenger, 1906: 201. Type locality: “Cassine River District, Portuguese Guinea”. Syntypes: BMNH 1906.3.30.32:RR1946.8.2.46, 1906.3.30.33: RR1946.8.2.47; MSNG 28164 (six specimens).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 380), Gans (1987: 59–61).


    Known from the types only.

    Cynisca rouxae Hahn

  • Cynisca rouxae Hahn, 1979: 122. Type locality: “Vicinity of Assacro, 7°53′N 5°23′W, Ivory Coast”. Holotype: MNHP 1978–1. Paratype: MHNP 1978–2.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1987: 61–63), Rödel and Grabow (1996).


    Known from the types and one specimen only.

    Cynisca schaeferi (Sternfeld)

  • Chirindia schaeferi Sternfeld, 1912b: 250. Type locality: “Japoma (Kamerun)”. Holotype: ZMB 22367.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 384). R. Laurent (1947: 55) suggested that this species belongs in this genus; see also Gans (1987: 63–65).


    Cameroon, Yapoma.

    Cynisca senegalensis Gans

  • Cynisca senegalensis Gans, 1987: 65. Type locality: Parc Niokolo-Koba, Sénègal. Holotype: IFAN (unnumbered).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1987: 65–67).


    Known from the type only.

    Cynisca williamsi Gans

  • Cynisca williamsi Gans, 1987: 67. Type locality: Wenchi, about 60 mi north and slightly east of Kumasi, Ghana. Holotype: AMNH 130339.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1987: 67–71).


    Known from the type only.

    Genus Dalophia Gray

  • Dalophia Gray, 1865: 454. Type species: Dalophia welwitschii, by monotypy.

  • Tomuropeltis R. Laurent, 1947: 58. Type species: Monopeltis giganteus Peracca by original designation.

  • See discussion in R. Laurent (1964: 87), who has published some tentative remarks that would change the status of several of the forms. Since his tentative opinions were apparently based on statements in the literature regarding the forms, and since he did not mention FitzSimons' (1943) earlier work, his opinions are cited but not followed.

    Dalophia angolensis Gans

  • Dalophia angolensis Gans, 1976: 6. Type locality: “Calombe, 7 km. west of Villa Luso, on Vila Luso-Moxico road, Angola”. Holotype: CZL 167. Paratypes: AMNH 111339; CZL 50, 204, 265, 292–300, 317–318, 387–388, 399– 400.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Broadley et al. (1976: 446–451).


    Known from type series only.

    Dalophia colobura (Boulenger)

  • Monopeltis colobura G. Boulenger, 1910: 495. Type locality: “Sesheke Barotseland”, Zambia. Syntypes: BMNH 1910.6.18.11:RR1946.8.8.96; SAM 4663.

  • Monopeltis? colobura (longicauda new species?) Werner, 1915: 340. Type locality: “Okawango”, Namibia. Holotype: Formerly in the Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg; destroyed.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 432) considered this form a synonym of T. pistillum, and T. longicauda a full species. FitzSimons (1943: 388) included T. ellenbergeri in synonymy. R. Laurent (1964: 88) considered M. colobura a valid species, distinct from M. granti, and with M. luluae as a subspecies.


    Upper Zambezi district, Barotseland, and northeastern parts of Namibia.

    Dalophia ellenbergeri (Angel)

  • Monopeltis ellenbergeri Angel, 1920: 615. Type locality: “Lealui Dist. (Haut-Zambéze)”. Syntypes: MHNP 20.78–20.80.

  • Dalophia ellenbergeri Loveridge, 1941: 433.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 433). FitzSimons (1943: 388) considered this species a synonym of T. granti colobura. See also Broadley (1971a, 1971c, 1997b), Broadley et al. (1976), Guibé (1954), and Laurent (1947).


    Known from the types only.

    Dalophia gigantea (Peracca)

  • Monopeltis giganteus Peracca, 1903: 1. Type locality: “Congo”. Syntypes: IMZUT 2844, MSNG C.E.36071.

  • Monopeltis truncata Witte, 1922: 68. Type locality: “Kwango”, Congo. Holotype: RGMC 32.

  • Dalophia gigantea Loveridge, 1941: 429. Emendation.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 429), Witte (1954: 991), Broadley et al. (1976).


    Kwango district, Democratic Republic of Congo.

    Dalophia granti (Boulenger)

  • Monopeltis granti G. Boulenger, 1907b: 48. Type locality: “Beira, Portuguese East Africa”. Holotype: BMNH 1907.4.29.33:RR1946.8.31.98.

  • Monopeltis mossambica Cott, 1934: 155. Type locality: “Caia”, Mozambique. Holotype: BMNH 1933.7.1.2:RR1946.8.31.99. Paratype: BMNH 1933.7.1.86.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 434) considered this form a synonym of T. pistillum. FitzSimons (1943: 386). R. Laurent (1964: 88) considered granti possibly a synonym of T. pistillum, and M. mossambica a valid species or race.


    Portuguese East Africa (= Mozambique) from Beira to Mozambique.

    Dalophia jallae (Peracca)

  • Monopeltis jallae Peracca, 1910: 1. Type locality: “Zambese (Barotseland)”, Zambia. Syntypes: IMZUT 4011; MSNG C.E.37466.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 433).


    Known from the types only.

    Dalophia longicauda (Werner)

  • Monopeltis colobura (longicauda, new species?) Werner, 1915: 340. Type locality: “Okawango” (between 19° and 21°30′E longitude), Namibia. Holotype: ZMH 4275.

  • Dalophia longicauda: Loveridge, 1941: 432.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Broadley et al. (1976: 459–463). See also Auerbach (1987), Branch (1988a, identification), and Broadley and Blake (1979, checklist).


    Botswana; Tamafupi: Zimbabwe; Victoria Falls, Wankie National Park.

    Dalophia luluae (Witte and Laurent)

  • Monopeltis luluae Witte and Laurent, 1942: 68. Type locality: “Sandoa (Ht. Kasai),” Democratic Republic of Congo. Holotype: RGMC 10848.

  • Dalophia luluae Broadley et al., 1976: 469.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Witte (1954: 993), Broadley et al. (1976). R. Laurent (1964: 88) considered this form a race of M. colobura. See also Frank and Ramus (1995, distribution).


    Known from the type only.

    Dalophia pistillum (Boettger)

  • Monopeltis pistillum Boettger, 1895c: 62. SMF 11833 (formerly 5455 2a), three specimens.

  • Monopeltis granti Boulenger, 1907c: 485. Type locality: “Beira, Portuguese East Africa Mozambique”. Holotype: BMNH 1907.4.29.33: RR1946.8.31.98.

  • Monopeltis colobura Boulenger, 1910: 495. Type locality: “Sesheke, Barotseland”. Syntypes: BMNH 1910.6.18.11:RR-1946.8.8.96; SAM 4661, 46663.

  • Monopeltis jallae Peracca, 1910: 1. Type locality: Zambese (Barotseland)”, Zambia. Syntypes: IMZUT 4011; MSNG CE 37466.

  • Monopeltis granti transvaalensis FitzSimons, 1933: 277. Type locality: “Hope, between Nylstroom and Vaalwater (Waterberg District, Northern Province and/or Mpumulanga)”, South Africa. Holotype: TMP 14354. Paratype: TMP 14353.

  • Monopeltis mossambica Cott, 1934: 155. Type locality: “Caia”, Mozambique. Holotype: BMNH 1933.7.1.2:RR 1946.8.31.99. Paratype: BMNH 1933.7.1.86.

  • Monopeltis granti kuanyamarum Monard, 1937: 67. Type locality: “Mupanda”, Angola. Holotype: LCFM (unnumbered).

  • Dalophia pistillum Loveridge, 1941: 434.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 434), Broadley (1962: 825), and R. Laurent (1964: 87). The last-named considered this form distinct and possibly would include M. ?granti and M. ?transvaalensis in its synonymy. See also Auerbach (1987, distribution), Broadley (1971a), Broadley and Blake (1979, checklist), Broadley et al. (1976, variation), Haacke (1984), and Mertens (1967).


    Zambia and Angola.

    Dalophia transvaalensis (FitzSimons)

  • Monopeltis granti transvaalensis FitzSimons, 1933: 277. Terra typica: “Hope, between Nylstroom and Vaalwater, Waterberg District, Northern Province and/or Mpumulanga.” Holotype: TMP 14354. Paratype: TMP 14353.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 434) considered this form a synonym of T. pistillum FitzSimons (1943: 389). R. Laurent (1964: 88) considered it a possible synonym of T. pistillum.


    Western and northwestern Transvaal in southern Angola.

    Genus Geocalamus Günther

  • Geocalamus Günther, 1880: 234. Type species: Geocalamus modestus, by monotypy.

  • See discussion in Loveridge (1941: 401), Vanzolini (1951b: 114), and Gans and Kraklau (1989: 3).

    Geocalamus acutus Sternfeld

  • Geocalamus acutus Sternfeld, 1912a: 209. Type locality: “Brit. Ostafrica” and “Deutsch Ostafrica” (= Tanzania); restricted to “Kenya Colony, Voi” (Loveridge, 1941: 405). Lectotypes (Gans and Kraklau, 1989): ZMB 21941.

  • Geocalamus noltei Boettger, 1913: 270. Type locality: “Moschi, Kilimandscharo”, Tanzania. Holotype: SMF 11831 (formerly 5433a).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 403), Gans and Kraklau (1989: 3–11). See also Huang and Gans (1971, chromosomes), Loveridge (1924, checklist; 1936), and Zangerl (1944, skull; 1945, postcranial skeleton).


    Southeastern Kenya to northeastern Tanzania.

    Geocalamus modestus Günther

  • Geocalamus modestus Günther, 1880: 234. Type locality: “Mpwapwa, which is about 200 miles inland of the coast opposite Zanzibar”, Tanzania. Syntypes: BMNH R1946.9.1.10–

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 402), Gans and Kraklau (1989: 11–13). See also Loveridge (1924).


    Central Tanzania.

    Genus Leposternon Wagler

  • Leposternon Wagler, 1824: 70. Type species: Leposternon microcephalus, by monotypy.

  • Leptosternon Gray, 1825: 204. Emendation.

  • Lepidosternon Wagler, 1830: 197. Emendation.

  • Cephalopeltis J. Müller, 1832: 256. Type species: Cephalopeltis cuvierii (= L. scutigerum Hemprich), by monotypy.

  • Leposternum Agassiz, 1848: 205. Emendation.

  • Sphenocephalus Gray, 1865: 452. Type species: Leposternon grayii = L. polystegum, by monotypy (junior homonym of Sphenocephalus Agassiz, 1839: 4, 129 (teleosts), Sphenocephalus Fitzinger, 1843: 25 (snakes), and Sphenocephalus Blyth, 1853: 654 (lizards)).

  • See discussion in Vanzolini (1951b: 113), and Gans (1971a, 1971b). See also Agassiz (1833–1843, 1846, taxonomy), Gallardo et al. (1985, distribution), Gonçalves Dias and Barros Filho (1992, distribution), Hoffstetter (1969, fossil), and Masi Pallarés et al. (1976, parasites).

    Leposternon infraorbitale (Berthold)

  • Lepidosternon infraorbitale Berthold, 1859: 179. Type locality: “Bahia”, Brazil. Holotype: GUM (no number).

  • Lepidosternon rostratum Strauch, 1881: col. 99. Type locality: “Bahia”. Lectotype: ZIL 314 (Gans, 1971a). Lectoparatype: ZIL 315.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1971a: 451), Jared et al. (1997).



    Leposternon kisteumacheri Porto, Soares and Caramaschi

  • Leposternon kisteumacheri Porto et al., 2000: 2. Type locality: Mocambinho (14°47′S, 43°55′W), municipality of Manga, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Holotype: MNRJ 4041. Paratypes: MNRJ 4042–4046.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Porto et al. (2000).


    Brazil (Minas Gerais).

    Leposternon microcephalum Wagler

  • Leposternon microcephalus Wagler, 1824: 70. Type locality: “Dans les environs du village Mandiocca,. . . près de la montagne dos Orgâos, sur un grand chemin bordé d'arbres,” Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Holotype: ZSM 31500.

  • Amphisbaena punctata Wied, 1825b: 507. Type locality: “Bei Rio de Janeiro und am Flusse Espirito Santo”, Brazil. Holotype: AMNH 1101 (senior homonym of A. punctata Bell (= Cadea blanoides).

  • Leposternon microcephalum Fitzinger, 1826: 53. Justifiable emendation.

  • Lepidosternon maximiliani Wiegmann, 1834: 21. New name for A. punctata Wied. Redescribed in Wiegmann, 1838: 154, where it was considered a distinct species based on ZMB 1395 from “Brazil”.

  • Lepidosternon macrocephalum A. Smith, 1848 (1834–1849): pl. 67. Lapsus for L. microcephalum, not available; International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (1961: art. 33b).

  • Lepidosternon phocaena Duméril and Bibron 1839: 484. Type locality: “Buinos-Ayres,” Argentina, corrected to “Bolivia” (Gans, 1971a). Holotype: MHNP 488.

  • Lepidosternon petersi Strauch, 1881: col. 103. Type locality: “Brasilien” (probably vicinity of Rio de Janeiro). Holotype: ZMB 1396.

  • Lepidosternon crassum Strauch, 1881: col. 106. Type locality: “Brasilien” (probably vicinity of Rio de Janeiro). Holotype: ZIL 316.

  • Lepidosternon güntheri Strauch, 1881: col. 110. Type locality: “Unbekannt, wahrscheinlich Brasilien” (probably north-central Argentina). Holotype: ZIL 313.

  • Lepidosternon boulengeri Boettger, 1885a: 220. Type locality: “Paraguay, Amer. merid”. Holotype: Naturhistorisches Institut Linnea, Frankfurt-am-Main, now ZIL 6656.

  • Lepidosternum strauchi Boettger, 1885a: 221. Type locality: “Paraguay, Amer. merid”. Holotype: Naturhistorisches Institut Linnea, Frankfurt-am-Main, now ZIL 6655.

  • Lepidosternum affine Boettger, 1885a: 223. Type locality: “Paraguay, Amer. merid”. Holotype: Naturhistorisches Institut Linnea, Frankfurt-am-Main, now ZIL 6654.

  • Lepidosternum onychocephalum Boettger, 1885a: 224. Type locality: “Paraguay, Amer. merid.” Holotype: Naturhistorisches Institut Linnea, Frankfurt-am-Main; now ZIL 6653.

  • Lepidosternon boettgeri G. Boulenger, 1885a: 466. Type locality: “Corrientes, Argentina”. Holotype: BMNH

  • Lepidosternum latifrontale G. Boulenger, 1894a: 722. Type locality: “Near Asuncion, Paraguay”. Lectotype (Gans, 1971a: 451): BMNH 94.314.31:RR1946.8.8.91. Lectoparatypes: BMNH 94.314.27:RR1946.8.8.87–94.314.30: RR1946.8.8.90, 94.314.32:RR1946.8.8.92– 94.314.35:RR1946.8.8.95.

  • Lepidosternum borellii Peracca, 1895a: 10. Type locality: “Chaco argentino (Resistencia)”. Holotype: IMZUT 971.

  • Lepidosternum camerani Peracca, 1895a: 12. Type locality: “Luque (Paraguay)”. Holotype: IMZUT 972.

  • Lepidosternon laticeps Peracca, 1904: 3. Type locality: “Urucum”, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Syntypes: IMZUT 2749 (three specimens).

  • Lepidosternon carcani Peracca, 1904: 5. Type locality: “Tebicuari”, Paraguay. Holotype: IMZUT 2750.

  • Lepidosternon pfefferi Werner, 1910b: 35. Type locality: “Paraguay”. Holotype: Formerly in the Zoologischen Museum, Hamburg; destroyed.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Hellmich (1960: 100–106), Gans (1971a: 451). See also Achával (1976, distribution), Alvarez and Tedesco (1981, distribution), Amaral (1935b, distribution; 1937b, 1937d, checklist), Andrei (1979, distibution), Aquino et al. (1996, distribution), Avila et al. (2000, conservation status in Argentina), Baker (1981, 1987, parasites), Beçak et al. (1971a, 1972, 1973b, chromosomes), Cope (1887a, distribution; 1892a, anatomy), Dirksen and de la Riva (1999, distribution), Engmann (1927, biology), Flower (1925, longevity), Fugler (1989, distribution), Fürbringer (1870, anatomy), Gallardo (1979, distribution), Gallardo et al. (1985, distribution), Goeldi (1902, list), Hochstetter (1898, anatomy), Jacobshagen (1920, anatomy), Jared et al. (1998, cytology; 1998, behavior), Lakjer (1927), Laurent and Teran (1981, distribution), Luederwaldt (1929, distribution), May (1978, embryology), Mertens (1955a, distribution), Montero (1996b, distribution), Montero and Terol (1999, distribution), Müller (1885a, 1885c, 1927), Rosenberg (1967, hemipenes), Schreitmüller (1926), Vaz-Ferreira et al. (1970, natural history), Vides-Almonacid et al. (1998, list), Wiegmann (1838), Wiegmann and Ruthe (1832), Witte (1930a, distribution), Yanosky et al. (1993b, distribution), and Zangerl (1944, skull; 1945, postcranial skeleton).


    Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay.

    Leposternon octostegum (Duméril)

  • Lepidosternon octostegum Duméril, 1851: 149. Type locality: “Brésil”. Holotype: MHNP 7055.

  • Lepidosternon otostegum Duméril and Bocourt, 1882: 494. (Lapsus hence not available; International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 1961: art. 33b).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1971a).


    Known from the type only.

    Leposternon polystegum (Duméril)

  • Lepidosternon polystegum Duméril, 1851: 149. Type locality: “Bahia”, Brazil. Holotype: MHNP A5124.

  • Lepidosternon grayii Gray, 1865: 452. Name attributed to A. Smith ms. Type locality: “South America”. Holotype: BMNH RR1946.9.1.7.

  • Leposternon polystegoides K. Schmidt, 1936: 31. Type locality: “Lake Papary, Rio Grande do Norte”, Brazil. Holotype: CAS 49866. Paratypes: CAS 49375, 49533, 49534, 49863; CNHM 64425, 64426.

  • Discussion of Form:

    K. Schmidt (1936: 31), Gans (1971a: 457), Rodrigues (1996). See also Amaral (1937b, 1937d), Duarte de Barros Filho and Valverde (1996, natural history), Guibé (1954, list), and Vanzolini (1976, biogeography).



    Leposternon scutigerum (Hemprich)

  • Amphisbaena scutigera F.G.W. Hemprich, 1820a: 117. Nomen nudum as published without description.

  • Amphisbaena scutigera F.G.W. Hemprich, 1820a: 129. Type locality: “Brasilia”. Holotype: ZMB 1398.

  • Lepidosternon hemprichii Wiegmann and Ruthe, 1832: 186. New name for Amphisbaena scutigera Hemprich. Redescription in Wiegmann (1834: 20) and in Wiegmann (1838: 153) where considered distinct species.

  • Cephalopeltis cuvieri J. Müller, 1832: 256. Type locality: “Brésil”. Lectotype (Gans, 1971): MHNP 3125.

  • Leposternon scutigerum Duméril and Bibron, 1839: 479. Emendation.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1971a: 457). See also Amaral (1937b, 1937d), Barboza du Bocage (1873b), Burt and Burt (1930, list), Fitzinger (1860), Flower (1925, longevity), and Lakjer (1927, anatomy).



    Leposternon wuchereri (W.C.H. Peters)

  • Lepidosternon wuchereri W.C.H. Peters, 1879: 276. Type locality: “Bahia”, Brazil. Holotype: ZMB 9389.

  • Lepidosternon sinuosum Peracca, 1895b: 1. Type locality: “Brasile”. Holotype: IMZUT 1108.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Amaral (1937c: 1703) included L. sinuosum in a discussion of this form. Zamprogno et al. (1992), Zamprogno and Sazima (1993).



    Genus Loveridgea Vanzolini

  • Loveridgea Vanzolini, 1951b: 114. Type species: Amphisbaena phylofiniens Tornier, by original designation.

  • See discussion in R. Laurent (1947: 52), who considered Loveridgea, “Amphisbaenaviolacea, and Zygaspis as African representatives of Amphisbaena. Gans and Kraklau (1989).

    Loveridgea ionidesii (Battersby)

  • Amphisbaena ionidesii Battersby, 1950: 413. Type locality: “Liwale” 100 S * 380 E, Southern Province, Tanganyika”. Holotype: BMNH 1948.1.7.84. Paratypes: (185 total) BMNH 1948.1.7.85–1948.1.7.93, 1949.1.6.1–1949.1.6.99, 1949.1.7.1–1949.1.7.52; IRScNB 2368; MCZ 50040–50065.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1951: 184, 1955: 178), Gans and Kraklau (1989: 13–17). See also Wykes (1961).


    Southern District, Tanzania.

    Loveridgea phylofiniens (Tornier)

  • Amphisbaena phylofiniens Tornier, 1899: 260. Type locality: “Udjiji, Deutsch-Ost-Africa” (= Tanzania). Syntypes: ZMB 15669 (two specimens).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 390), Gans and Kraklau (1989: 17–26). See also Loveridge (1924, 1942, 1944b).


    Vicinity of Udjiji, Tanzania.

    Genus Mesobaena Mertens

  • Mesobaena Mertens, 1925a: 170. Type species: Mesobaena huebneri, by original designation.

  • See discussion in Vanzolini (1951b: 115) and Gans (1971d).

    Mesobaena huebneri Mertens

  • Amphisbaena huebneri Boettger in Anonymous, 1896: lv. Nomen nudum (cf. Mertens, 1925a: 171).

  • Mesobaena huebneri Mertens, 1925a: 170. Type locality: “Inirida, Süd-Venezuela” = Colombia. Holotype: SMF 11829 (formerly 5450, 2a).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Mertens (1926b: 149). See also Cendrero (1972, distribution), Cole and Gans (1987, chromosomes), Dunn (1957), Gans (1971d, variation; 1974b, distribution), and Mertens (1967, list).


    Known from the type and four other as yet unpublished specimens, two collected in the vicinity of the type locality and now in the collections of Carl Gans and the Field Museum of Natural History and two collected in Amazonian Venezuela and now in the Museu de Biologia, Universidad Central de Venezuela.

    Genus Monopeltis A. Smith

  • Monopeltis A. Smith, 1848 (1838–1849): pl. 67. Type species: Monopeltis capensis, by monotypy.

  • Monaspis A. Smith, 1848 (1838–1849): pl. 67. Alternate name for Monopeltis, used in plate caption only.

  • Phractogonus Hallowell, 1852: 62. Type species: Phractogonus galeatus, by monotypy.

  • Monotrophis Gray, 1865: 454. Type species: Monotrophis capensis A. Smith. Lapsus, hence not available (International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 1961: art. 33b).

  • See discussion in R. Laurent (1947: 57) and Vanzolini (1951b: 121).

    Monopeltis adercae Witte

  • Monopeltis adercae Witte, 1953: 82. Type locality: “Bukena près Mulongo (Distr. Ht. Lomami) [altitude 617 meters]”, Democratic Republic of Congo. Holotype: IRScNB 2067.

  • Monopeltis adercai R. Laurent, 1956b: 242. Emendation.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Witte (1954: 1007), Broadley et al. (1976: 421–426), Branch (1988a).


    Lualaba and Tanganyika districts, Democratic Republic of Congo.

    Monopeltis anchietae (Bocage)

  • Lepidosternon (Phractogonus) anchietae Barboza du Bocage, 1873b: 247. Type locality: “Humbe, dans l'intérieur de Mossamedes, pres des Bords de la rivière Cunene”, Angola. Holotype: MB T46.525.

  • Monopeltis quadriscutata Werner, 1910a: 328. Type locality: “Deutsch-Südwestafrika”. Syntypes: Formerly in the Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg; destroyed. Note: Loveridge (1941: 410) listed “Farm Neitsas,' Grootfontein” as partial type locality, implying that the three specimens cited by Werner (1910b: 33) were all syntypes. However, Werner clearly mentioned that the “Neitsas” specimen was new and he referred to one of the other two as the type. Unfortunately the “Neitsas” specimen is the only one that was not destroyed.

  • Monopeltis okavangensis Monard, 1931: 95. Type locality: “Vila da Ponte et de Caquindo”, Angola. Syntypes: LCFM (unnumbered); NMBA 13331 (Caquindo); LCFM (unnumbered) (Vila da Ponte).

  • Monopeltis devisi Monard, 1937: 69. Type locality: “Mupa”, Angola. Holotype: LCFM (unnumbered).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 410) included M. leonhardi in this species. See also Auerbach (1987, distribution), Barboza du Bocage (1873b, 1895, 1897, list), Branch (1988a, identification), Broadley (1962: 823, 1971a, 1973), Broadley et al. (1976: 377–381), FitzSimons (1943: 396), Mertens (1971), Sternfeld (1911a), Webb et al. (2000, natural history), and Werner (1910a).


    From southern Angola southward to Damaraland.

    Monopeltis capensis A. Smith

  • Monopeltis capensis A. Smith, 1848 (1834– 1849): pl. 67. Type locality: “24° lat. S”, South Africa; corrected to “southwestern Transvaal” (Broadley et at., 1976). Syntypes: BMNH65.5.5.179: RR1946.8.31.87, RR-1946.8.31.96 (see FitzSimons, 1937a: 267).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 423), FitzSimons (1943: 391), Broadley (1962: 823), and Broadley et al. (1976: 385– 388). See also Auerbach (1985, 1987, distribution), Barry (1963, tympanum), Bates (1996, distribution), Bellairs and Boyd (1947, anatomy), Branch (1988a, identification), Broadley (1971a, 1973, 1997c), Broadley and Blake (1979, distribution), De Waal (1978, distribution), Flower (1925, longevity), Haacke (1984, distribution), Huang and Gans (1971, chromosomes), Hughes (1988, longevity), Kritzinger (1946, skull), Lambiris (1993, 1994, list), Mertens (1971, distribution), Visser (1967, reproduction), and Zangerl (1944, skull; 1945, postcranial skeleton).


    Southwestern Botswana and central regions of South Africa.

    Monopeltis decosteri G. Boulenger

  • Monopeltis decosteri G. Boulenger, 1910: 495. Type locality: “Delagoa Bay” (= Maputo), Mozambique. Holotype: SAM 650.

  • Monopeltis capensis capensis Group C Broadley et al., 1976: 391.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Broadley et al. (1976), Broadley (1997c). See also Broadley (1971a, predators).


    Southern Mozambique, Southeastern Zimbabwe, and Northern Province of South Africa.

    Monopeltis galeata (Hallowell)

  • Phractogonus galeatus Hallowell, 1852: 62. Type locality: “Liberia, West Coast of Africa”; corrected by Hallowell (1857: 50) to “Gaboon Country, West Africa”. Lectotype: ANSP 9684 (K. Schmidt, 1919: 603). Lectoparatype: ANSP 9683; possibly also ANSP 9682, labeled “Corisco, W. Africa” (cf. K. Schmidt, 1919: 603).

  • Monopeltis (Phractogonus) magnipartitus W.C.H. Peters, 1879: 276. Type locality: “Angeblich von Gabun”. Holotype: ZMB 7654.

  • Lepidosternum galeatum Strauch, 1881: col. 121. Emendation.

  • Lepidosternum dumerilii Strauch, 1881: col. 122. Type locality: “West-Afrika (Gabon).” Syntypes: MHNP 54–07, 5358, plus one specimen.

  • Lepidosternon magnipartitum Strauch, 1881: col. 124. Emendation.

  • Monopeltis galeata G. Boulenger, 1885e: 457. Emendation.

  • Monopeltis magnipartita G. Boulenger, 1885e: 458. Emendation.

  • Monopeltis unirostralis Mocquard, 1903: 210. Type locality: “Gabon”. Holotype: MHNP 01–532.

  • Monopeltis boveei Mocquard, 1903: 211. Type locality: “Fernand Vaz (Congo français)”. Syntypes: MHNP 02–421, 02–422.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 417), Gans and Lehman (1973).


    Gabon, Cameroon, Congo. Not listed by Broadley and Poynton (1998) for the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

    Monopeltis guentheri Boulenger

  • Monopeltis guentheri G. Boulenger, 1885e: 456. Type locality: “Congo”. Syntypes: BMNH–

  • Monopeltis boulengeri Boettger, 1887c: 649. Type locality: “Kinshassa, prope Stanley-Pool, Congo”. Holotype: SMF 11832.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 419) and Witte (1954: 995). See also Beckers et al. (1972, anatomy), Gans and Latifi (1971, variation), Gans and Lehman (1973), and Witte (1927b, 1929, 1933a, 1967).


    Western Democratic Republic of the Congo.

    Monopeltis infuscata Broadley

  • Monopeltis infuscata Broadley, 1997c: 6. Type locality: Nottingham Estates, Beitbridge District, Zimbabwe. Holotype: NMZB 6072. Paratypes (64 specimens): FMNH 17450; KNP 28, 56A, 56B, 57A, 57B, 196, 234, 212A–212C, MCZ 14195, 14196, 21277; NMP 1139; NMZB 6026; TMP 1070–1074, 1221, 1223, 1909, 2219, 2221, 2225, 2227–2229, 2232–2237, 2240, 2241, 2473, 3380, 3382, 3384, 3579, 3925–3926, 4559, 12697, 22181, 26747, 30132, 33760, 41557–41560, 59135, 59138, 59139– 59143.

  • Monopeltis capensis capensis Group B Broadley et al., 1976: 388.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Broadley (1997c: 7).


    Southwestern Angola, south through Namibia to Northern Cape Province and west into southwestern Botswana.

    Monopeltis jugularis W.C.H. Peters

  • Monopeltis (Phractogonus) jugularis W.C.H. Peters, 1880: 219. Type locality: “Westafrika”. Holotype: ZMB 9636.

  • Lepidosternon jugulare Strauch, 1881: col. 124. Emendation.

  • Lepidosternon koppenfelsii Strauch, 1881: col. 124. Type locality: “West-Afrika (Gabon)”. Holotype: SMNS 2038a.

  • Monopeltis semipunctata Boettger, 1893b: 89. Type locality: “Kamerun”. Holotype: Lübeck Museum 191; destroyed.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 416). See also Charig and Gans (1990, skull), and Gans and Lehman (1973).


    Gabon, Cameroon.

    Monopeltis kabindae Witte and Laurent

  • Monopeltis kabindae Witte and Laurent, 1942: 76. Type locality: “Kabinda (Kasai)”, Democratic Republic of Congo. Holotype: RGMC 6773.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Witte (1954: 1007), Broadley et al. (1976: 410–413).


    Known from type only.

    Monopeltis leonhardi Werner

  • Monopeltis leonhardi Werner, 1910a: 328. Type locality: “Kalahari, zwischen Kgokong und Kang”, Botswana. Holotype: ZMB 23201.

  • Monopeltis vernayi FitzSimons, 1932: 36. Type locality: “Gomodimo, Central Kalahari”, Botswana. Holotype: TMP 14468.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 410) considered this species a synonym of Monopeltis anchietae, and FitzSimons (1943: 398) retained it as a separate species. See also Auerbach (1987, distribution), Branch (1988a), Broadley and Blake (1979, distribution), Broadley et al. (1976, variation), Fitzsimons and Brain (1958, distribution), Haacke (1984), Joubert (1977, distribution), and Pienaar et al. (1983).


    Botswana, Kalahari, and areas immediately adjoining.

    Monopeltis luandae Gans

  • Monopeltis luandae Gans, 1976: 3. Type locality: “Luanda on the road to Quanza river mouth, Angola”. Holotype: AMNH 111338. Paratypes: CG 5219 (airport, Luanda), USNM 20037, 20038 (“Loanda”).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Broadley et al. (1976: 437–440).


    Known from type series only.

    Monopeltis mauricei Parker

  • Monopeltis sphenorhynchus mauricei H. Parker, 1935c: 582. Type locality: “Monjalatsela, near Ghanzi, Bechuanaland” (Botswana). Holotype: BMNH 1933.9.9.14:RR1946.8.2.37.

  • Monopeltis ocularis FitzSimons, 1941: 277. Type locality: “Swart Modder, Rietfontein”, Cape Province. Holotype: McGregor Museum, Kimberley, Cape Province (unnumbered).

  • Discussion of Form:

    FitzSimons (1943: 390), Broadley (1962: 824), Broadley et al. (1976: 406–410).


    Cape Province, Botswana, Zambia.

    Monopeltis perplexus Gans

  • Monopeltis perplexus Gans, 1976: 6. Type locality: “Hanha or Capelongo, Angola”. Holotype: AMNH 47732. Paratypes: AMNH 47731, 47733–47735.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Broadley et al. (1976: 413–416).


    Known from type only.

    Monopeltis remaclei Witte

  • Monopeltis remaclei Witte, 1933a: 68. Type locality: “Lukulu près de Kiambi”, Democratic Republic of Congo. Holotype: RGMC 8692.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Witte (1954: 998), Broadley et al. (1976: 417–421).


    Tanganyika district, Democratic Republic of Congo.

    Monopeltis rhodesianus Broadley et al., 1976

  • Monopeltis capensis rhodesianus Broadley et al. 1976: 394. Type locality: Nyashanu, Sabi Tribal Trust Land, Buhera District, Zimbabwe. Holotype: UM 28699. Paratypes: AMNH 112980–112983; UM 28677–28690; 28692– 28698; 28700–28710, 28713–28720, 28722– 28776; taken with holotype.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Broadley et al. (1976: 394–398), Broadley (1997c). See also Branch (1998, identification), Broadley (1962, 1988b, distribution), Broadley and Blake (1979, list), and Lambiris (1993, 1994, list).


    Zimbabwe, southern Zambia, southern Malawi, and central Mozambique.

    Monopeltis scalper (Günther)

  • Phractogonus scalper Günther, 1876: 678. Type locality: “Angola”, in error; actually “Kilemba in Urua” (= Kilembe, lat. 7°40′S, long. 26°03′E, Democratic Republic of Congo). Holotype: BMNH

  • Lepidosternon scalprum Strauch, 1881: col. 124. Emendation.

  • Monopeltis gerardi G. Boulenger, 1913b: 392. Type locality: “Kikondja (Katanga)”, Democratic Republic of Congo. Holotype: RGMC 1201.

  • Monopeltis scalper bulsi R. Laurent, 1954: 68. Type locality: “Kamina, Haut Lomami”, Democratic Republic of Congo. Holotype: RGMC 16179. Paratypes: RGMC 15917, 16015, 16016, 16178.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 413). Laurent (1954: 68, 1956b: 243), suggested that the form bulsi may be a full species. See also Broadley et al. (1976, variation), Monard (1937), and Witte (1954: 1004).


    Democratic Republic of Congo.

    Monopeltis schoutedeni Witte

  • Monopeltis schoutedeni Witte, 1933b: 170. Type locality: “Kunungu”, Congo. Holotype: RGMC 8766.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 420), Witte (1954: 997).


    Middle Congo and Lac Léopold II districts, Democratic Republic of Congo.

    Monopeltis sphenorhynchus W.C.H. Peters

  • Lepidosternon sphenorhynchus Gray, 1865: 454. Peters' ms name cited without description; hence a nomen nudum.

  • Monopeltis sphenorhynchus W.C.H. Peters, 1879: 275. Type locality: “Mocambique und Angola”; restricted to “Inhambane, Mozambique” (Loveridge, 1941: 427). Lectotype: ZMB 1400 by present designation. Paralectotype: ZMB 9423.

  • Monopeltis habenichti FitzSimons, 1937b: 276. Type locality: “Maputo, Portuguese East Africa” (Mozambique). Holotype: TMP 3400. Paratypes: TMP 3401, 3402.

  • Monopeltis capensis gazei FitzSimons, 1937b: 278. Type locality: “Junction of the Magalakwin and Limpopo Rivers Zoutpansberg District Northern Province and/or Mpumulanga”. Holotype: TMP 13342. Paratype: TMP 3477 (N′Wanedzi River, Zoutpansberg District).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 422, 426–427), FitzSimons (1943: 393–394), Manaças (1957b: 166), Broadley (1962: 824, 1963a: 18), and Broadley et al. (1976: 401– 406). See also Auerbach (1987, distribution), Broadley (1992, distribution), and Fitzsimons and Brain (1958, distribution).


    Mozambique, Republic of South Africa (Transvaal, Natal, Cape Province, Bechuanaland), Botswana (Serowe), Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia.

    Monopeltis vanderysti Witte

  • Monopeltis vanderysti Witte, 1922: 66. Type locality: “Wombali; Leverville (dist. du Kwango); Lac Leopold II; Kasai”, Congo; restricted to “Wombali (dist. Lac Leopold II),” Democratic Republic of Congo (Gans, 1967a). Lectotype (Gans, 1967a): RGMC 1872. Lectoparatypes: RGMC 897 (Lac Leopold II); RGMC 962 (Kasai); RGMC 2309 (Leverville, Kwango).

  • Monopeltis lujae Witte, 1922: 67. Type locality: “Lubue”, Kwilu district, Kasai, Democratic Republic of Congo. Holotype: RGMC 505.

  • Monopeltis vanderysti vilhenai R. Laurent, 1954: 66. Type locality: “Dundo,” Angola. Holotype: RGMC 17530 (formerly MD 5040). Paratypes: RGMC 5183, 5242; RGMC 17504.

  • Monopeltis vanderysti closei R. Laurent, 1954: 68. Type locality: “Kahemba, Kwango District, Congo Belge”, Democratic Republic of Congo. Holotype: RGMC 14702 (14502 in error). Paratypes: RGMC 11953; also RGMC 14581, doubtfully from Leopoldville.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 414) considered this form a full species. Witte (1954: 1000) listed the last two mentioned paratypes as examples of M. v. lujae. The lectotype of M. v. vanderysti was selected, as was the type locality by Gans (1967a). Monopeltis sphenorhynchus W.C.H. Peters: Bruton and Haacke (1975), Branch (1988a), Broadley (1988a), Lambiris (1993, 1994).


    Lower, Middle, and Lac Leopold II districts in the Democratic Republic of Congo; Sanza Pombo, Dundo, Angola.

    Monopeltis welwitschii Gray

  • Dalophia welwitschii Gray, 1865: 455. Type locality: “Angola; Pungo Andongo”. Syntypes: BMNH, RR1946.8.20.90.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 431), R. Laurent (1947: 57).


    Known from the types only (cf. Witte, 1954: 1002, for correction of erroneous records).

    Monopeltis zambezensis Gans and Broadley

  • Monopeltis zambezensis Gans and Broadley, 1974: 3. Type locality: Mana Pools Game Reserve, Urungwe district, Zimbabwe. Holotype: UM 5557. Paratypes: CG 2720, UM 5558 (Mana Pools); UM 50412–50414 (Bumi Confluence, Kariba Lake).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Broadley et al. (1976: 398–401). See also Branch (1988a, identification), Broadley and Blake (1979, distribution), Broadley and Gans (1974), and Lambiris (1993, 1994, list).


    Zimbabwe (middle Zambezi River valley) and Zambia. Presumably western Mozambique around the Cabora Bassa Dam (Broadley, 1997c).

    Genus Zygaspis Cope

  • Zygaspis Cope, 1885: 187. Type species: Amphisbaena quadrifrons W.C.H. Peters, by monotypy.

  • Shrevea Vanzolini, 1951b: 115. Type species: Amphisbaena quadrifrons W.C.H. Peters, by original designation.

  • See discussion in Vanzolini (1953b: 45).

    Zygaspis arenicola Broadley and Broadley

  • Amphisbaena vandami arenicola Broadley and Broadley, 1997: 19. Type locality: Maputo, Mozambique. Holotype: TMP 2921. Paratypes: CG 1818; NMP 1374; PEM R10382; TMP 2923, 3000, 3358, 3404, 29454–29455; ZMB 23699.

  • Amphisbaena violacea W.C.H. Peters, 1854: 620.

  • Amphisbaena violacea violacea (not Peters) FitzSimons, 1943: 378 (part).

  • Zygaspis violacea violacea (not Peters) Pooley et al., 1973: 110.

  • Zygaspis violacea (not Peters).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Broadley and Broadley (1997: 19, and references therein).

    Zygaspis dolichomenta (Witte and Laurent)

  • Monopeltis (misprint) quadrifrons (not Peters) Witte, 1931: 41.

  • Amphisbaena quadrifrons capensis (not Thominot) Loveridge, 1941: 387 (part).

  • Amphisbaena dolichomenta Witte and Laurent, 1942: 83, Fig. 4. Type locality: Flandria, Équateur Province, Democratic Republic of Congo.

  • Amphisbaena dolichomenta meridionalis Witte and Laurent, 1942: 85, fig. 5. Type locality: Lemfu, Moyen Congo (= Democratic Republic of Congo Central), Democratic Republic of Congo.

  • Amphisbaena quadrifrons dolichomenta Witte, 1954: 989, fig. 2.

  • Shrevea quadrifrons dolichomenta Witte, 1954: 989, fig. 2.

  • Zygaspis quadrifrons (not Peters) Saiff, 1970: 113 (part).

  • Zygaspis quadrifrons dolichomenta Welch, 1982: 12.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Broadley and Broadley (1997: 12–13).


    Known from four scattered localities in northwestern Democratic Republic of Congo at altitudes of less than 500 meters.

    Zygaspis ferox Broadley and Broadley

  • Zygaspis ferox Broadley and Broadley, 1997: 11. Type locality: Silverstreams Estate, Chimanimani District, Zimbabwe. Holotype: NMZB-UM 8974. Paratypes: NMZB-UM 8333, 11338, 18049, 18050, 18369; CG 3367, 4006; NMZB 7407, 1220, 1221; PEM R10369.

  • Amphisbaena quadrifrons capensis Loveridge, 1941: 387 (part).

  • Amphisbaena quadrifrons capensis Fitzsimons, 1943: 376 (part).

  • Zygaspis quadrifrons Saiff, 1970: 113 (part).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Broadley and Broadley (1997: 11).


    Forested areas in the southern highlands of Zimbabwe (Chimanimani and Chipinge Districts) on clay soils derived from dolerite.

    Zygaspis kafuensis Broadley and Broadley

  • Zygaspis kafuensis Broadley and Broadley, 1997: 11. Type locality: Chunga Camp, Kafue National Park, Zambia. Holotype: NMZB-UM 30039. Paratypes NMZB-UM 30041; BMNH 1955.1.10.4.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Broadley and Broadley (1997: 11–12).


    The area surrounding the Kafue Flats in central Zambia.

    Zygaspis nigra Broadley and Gans

  • Zygaspis quadrifrons (not Peters) R. Laurent, 1964: 84.

  • Zygaspis niger Broadley and Gans, 1969: 1. Type locality: Kalabo, Barotse Province, Zambia. Holotype: UM 6698. Paratypes: AMNH 95948; FMNH 133021, 134262, 134263, 142695– 142702; TMP 32658, 32659; UM 4817–4818, 6694–6697, 6699–6712, (6699, 6701 to MCZ; 6695, 6707 to IRScNB), 10066–10075, 11556– 11561.

  • Range:

    Zambia, eastern Angola and Caprivi Strip of Namibia.

    Zygaspis quadrifrons (Peters)

  • Amphisbaena quadrifrons W.C.H. Peters, 1862: 25. Type locality: Neu-Barmen, Hererolande = Otjimbingue. Syntypes: ZMB 4202–4204.

  • Cynisca quadrifrons Gray, 1872: 36.

  • Amphisbaena capensis Thominot, 1887: 188. Type locality: “Lac Ngami”.

  • Amphisbaena violacea (not Peters) G. Boulenger, 1910: 472 (part).

  • Amphisbaena quadrifrons quadrifrons Loveridge, 1941: 385.

  • Amphisbaena quadrifrons capensis Loveridge, 1941: 387 (part).

  • Amphisbaena ambuellensis Monard, 1931: 93. Type locality: Chimporo (= Techimpolo) and Caquindo, Angola. Syntypes: LCFM (two specimens, unnumbered); NMBA 13330.

  • Amphisbaena quadrifrons katangae Witte and Laurent, 1942: 81. Type locality: Lukafu, Katanga (= Shaba), Democratic Republic of Congo.

  • Zygaspis capensis Alexander and Gans, 1966: 181.

  • Zygaspis quadrifrons Alexander and Gans, 1966: 181,

  • Zygaspis quadrifrons capensis Pienaar, 1966: 94.

  • Zygaspis quadrifrons quadrifrons Gans, 1967a: 88.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 385), FitzSimons (1943: 377), Alexander and Gans (1966: 181), and Broadley and Broadley (1997: 15–18, and references therein).


    Southern Democratic Republic of Congo (Shaba Province), south through Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Botswana to the northern regions of South Africa, west to southwestern Angola and northern Namibia, east to southern Malawi and central Mozambique.

    Zygaspis vandami (FitzSimons)

  • Amphisbaena vandami FitzSimons, 1930: 32. Type locality: Louw's Creek, Barberton District, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa.

  • Amphisbaena violacea Loveridge, 1941: 389 (part).

  • Amphisbaena violacea vandami Fitzsimons, 1943: 380.

  • Zygaspis violacea violacea (not Peters) Pienaar, 1966: 95.

  • Zygaspis violacea vandami Pienaar, 1966: 95.

  • Zygaspis violacea Broadley and Gans, 1978b: 331.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Broadley and Gans (1978b: 331), Broadley and Broadley (1997: 18–19, and references therein).


    The northern and Mpumalanga provinces of South Africa, extending from Barberton District northwards along the lower slopes of the Drakensberg escarpment to the Pietersburg District, then presumably along the southern slopes of the Soutpansberg (but no records) to Mahlaguza Pan at the northern end of the Kruger National Park, where it is sympatric with Z. quadrifrons. In the southern part of its range it extends across the Kruger Park south of the Olifants River to the Lebombo Range.

    Zygaspis violacea (Peters)

  • Amphisbaena violacea (part) W.C.H. Peters, 1854: 620. Type locality: restricted by Broadley and Broadley (1997: 20) to Inhambane, Mozambique. Syntypes: ZMB 4814 (Inhambane), ZMB 9420 (Lourenzo-Marques).

  • Cynisca? violacea Gray, 1872: 36.

  • Amphisbaena violacea violacea Gans, 1967a: 75 (part).

  • Zygaspis violacea (part) Broadley and Gans, 1978b: 331.

  • Zygaspis longicauda Broadley, 1990: 483. Type locality: Magaruque Island, Mozambique.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Broadley and Broadley (1997: 20, and references therein). FitzSimons (1943: 378) and Manaças (1957b: 165).


    Southern coast of Mozambique.

    Family Bipedidae (Bipes)

    Genus Bipes Latreille

  • Bipes Latreille, 1802: 90. Type species: Bipes canaliculatus Bonnaterre, by monotypy.

  • Microdipus Hermann, 1804: 289. Type species: Microdipus (= Bipes) canaliculatus by monotypy.

  • Bimanus Oppel, 1811: 45. Type species: Chamaesaura propus (= B. canaliculatus), by monotypy.

  • Chirotes Cuvier, 1817: 62. Type species: “Bimane cannelé” (= B. canaliculatus), by monotypy.

  • Hemichirotes Dugès in Cope, 1894: 437. Type species: Hemichirotes tridactylus, by monotypy.

  • Euchirotes Cope, 1894: 436. Type species: Euchirotes biporus, by monotypy.

  • See discussion in Smith and Taylor (1950b: 37).

    Bipes biporus (Cope)

  • Euchirotes biporus Cope, 1894: 436. Type locality: “Cape San Lucas, Lower California” (= Baja California, Mexico). Lectotype: USNM 21324 (Cochran, 1961: 110). Lectoparatypes: CAS 50187; MCZ 11813; USNM 8568, 12599, 21316, 21317, 21320–21325 (La Paz, Baja California, in the catalog of the United States National Museum).

  • Euchirotes diporus Cope, 1896c: 313. Lapsus, hence not available (International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 1961: art. 33b).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Smith and Taylor (1950b: 38). See also Bogert (1964, biology), Bowler (1977, longevity), Cendrero (1972, distribution), Cochran (1961, list), Dial et al. (1987, biomechanics), Flores-Villela and Gerez (1988, ecology), Gans and Shaw (1963, biomechanics), Gorman et al. (1971, biochemistry), Gundy (1977, experimental biology), Harris et al. (1999, molecular phylogeny), Huang and Gans (1971, chromosomes), MacGregor and Klosterman (1979, chromosomes), McPeak (2000), Miller (1966a, inner ear anatomy), Mullen (1967, physiology), Papenfuss (1982, ecology and systematics), Rhoten (1970, histology), Smith and Taylor (1950a, distribution), Stebbins (1985, identification), Wever and Gans (1972, anatomy and physiology of ear), and Zangerl (1944, skull; 1945, postcranial skeleton).


    The cape region of southern Baja California, Mexico.

    Bipes canaliculatus (Bonnaterre)

  • Bipes canaliculatus Bonnaterre, 1789: 68. Type locality: “Mexico”; restricted to “Mexcala, Guerrero”, Mexico (Smith and Taylor, 1950a: 332, 1950b: 39). Type: Name based on “le cannelé” of La Cépède, 1788–1789: 613; possibly MHNP A1151.

  • Lacerta lumbricoides Shaw and Nodder, 1795 (1795–1802, vol. 3, pt. 1): 212. Type locality: “Mexico”; restricted to “Mexcala, Guerrero,” Mexico (Smith and Taylor, 1950b: 39). Type: Apparently lost.

  • Lacerta mexicana Donndorff, 1798: 135. New name for “le cannelé”. Type locality: “Mexico” by implication; restricted to Mexcala, Guerrero, Mexico (Smith and Taylor, 1950b: 39).

  • Lacerta sulcata Suckow, 1798: 147. New name for “le cannelé”. Type locality: Restricted to “Mexcala, Guerrero”, Mexico (Smith and Taylor, 1950b: 39).

  • Chamaesaura propus Schneider, 1801: 211. New name for “le cannelé” and Lacerta lumbricoides Shaw. Type locality: restricted to “Mexcala, Guerrero”, Mexico (Smith and Taylor, 1950b: 39).

  • Bipes canaliculatus multiannulatus T. Alvarez, 1966 [1964]: 147. Type locality: “Pizandarán, 14 kilómetros al norte de El Infiernilla (colina poco elevada, distante 100 a 400 metros de la orilla del Río Balsas), Michoacán”, Mexico. Holotype: Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas 1315. Paratypes: Fifty specimens collected with holotype, plus 10 collected at Los Nopales, Michoacán.

  • Bipes alvarezi Smith and Smith, 1977: 39. Type locality: Central Rio Balsas valley in Guerrero, Morelos and P., Mexico

  • Discussion of Form:

    T. Alvarez (1964: 202) and Smith and Taylor (1950a: 332, 1950b: 39). See also T. Alvarez (1964, distribution), Cendrero (1972), Cope (1892a anatomy; 1894), Davis and Dixon (1961, distribution), Flores-Villela and Gerez (1988, distribution), Fürbringer (1870, anatomy), Hodges and Perez-Ramos (2001, distribution and habitat), MacGregor and Klosterman (1979, chromosomes), Papenfuss (1982, ecology and systematics), Remane (1936, anatomy), Renous-Léçuru (1973, 1974a, 1977a, anatomy), Smith (1949), Walls (1979), and Wicker (1987, care in captivity).


    Mexico, basin of the Río Balsas, Guerrero and Michoacan.

    Bipes tridactylus (Dugès)

  • Hemichirotes tridactylus Dugès in Cope, 1894: 437. Dugès, 1894: 411. Type locality: “Tecpan de Galeana, Guerrero”, Mexico. Holotype: Alfredo Dugès Museum, Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico (Taylor, 1933: 97; Smith and Necker, 1943: 180).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Smith and Taylor (1950b: 38). See also Cendrero (1972), Cope (1894), Flores-Villela and Gerez (1988, distribution), Papenfuss (1982, ecology and systematics), and Walls (1979).


    Known from the type only.

    Family Rhineuridae (Rhineura)

    Genus Rhineura Cope

  • Rhineura Cope, 1861a: 75. Type species: L. (epidosternum) floridanum Baird, by monotypy.

  • See discussion by H. Smith (1946: 431), Vanzolini (1951b: 116), and Gans (1967c). For fossil species see Auffenberg (1963), Brattstrom (1958), Douglass (1908), Galbreath (1953), Gilmore (1938a), Holman (1958, 1959, 1962, 1979), MacDonald (1963, 1970), Sullivan (1985, 1991), Sullivan and Holman (1996), Walker (1932), and Yatkola (1976).

    Rhineura floridana (Baird)

  • Lepidosternon floridanum S.F. Baird, 1858: 255. Type locality: “Micanopy, Florida”. Holotype: USNM 3203.

  • Discussion of Form:

    H. Smith (1946: 431), Neill (1951: 177), Gans (1967d). See also Allen and Neill (1954, general), Ashton and Sawyer Ashton (1985, biology), Bartlett (1989), Bartlett and Bartlett (1999, identification), Behler and King (1979, identification), Bellairs (1950, anatomy), Bellairs and Boyd (1947, anatomy), Belson and Small (1998, behavior), Bogert (1964, biology), Bogert and Cowles (1947, ecology), Böhme (1970), Burt (1937, distribution), Carr (1949, biology), Carr and Goin (1955, identification), Cochran (1961, list), Cope (1892a, 1892b, anatomy), Dyrkacz (1973, anatomy), Eigenmann (1901, 1902, anatomy), Fürbringer (1900, anatomy), Gans (1960, biomechanics; 1967b, 1967f, distribution), Hingtgen (1991, distribution), Jensen and Payne (1996, distribution), Langebartel (1968, anatomy), Lönnberg (1902, anatomy), Makino (1951, chromosomes), Matthey (1932b, 1932c, 1933, 1951b, chromosomes), Meylan (1982, 1984, distribution), Miller (1966a, anatomy), Neill (1951, anatomy), Pratt (1987), Sawaya and de Aguilar (1982, physiology), Schmidt (1953, list), Simonetta (1960, anatomy), Smith et al. (1953, anatomy), Telford (1955), Turner (1985), Van Hyning (1933, distribution), Witz et al. (1991, habitat), Wood (1995, distribution), Zangerl (1944, 1945, anatomy), and Zug (1968a, 1968b, 1970, distribution, variation).

    Family Trogonophidae (Including the genera Agamodon, Diplometopon, Pachycalamus and Trogonophis)

    Genus Agamodon W.C.H. Peters

  • Agamodon W.C.H. Peters, 1882c: 321. Type species: Agamodon anguliceps, by monotypy.

  • See discussion in Gans (1960: 179) and Gans and Pandit (1965: 74).

    Agamodon anguliceps W.C.H. Peters

  • Agamodon anguliceps W.C.H. Peters, 1882c: 580. Type locality: “Barava (Africa orientalis)” = Brava, Somali Republic. Syntypes: ZMB 10189, 10190.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1960: 179), Gans and Pandit (1965: 82). See also Anderson (1901, list), Boettger (1893c, distribution), Bonin (1965, anatomy), Boulenger (1890a, anatomy), Gans and Pandit (1965, distribution), Guibé (1954, list), Joger (1987, distribution), Lanza (1983, distribution), Obst and Wranik (1998, distribution), Peters (1882c, distribution), and Scortecci (1929, distribution).


    South-central coast of Somali Republic, eastern Ethiopia.

    Agamodon arabicus Anderson

  • Agamodon arabicus J. Anderson, 1901: 140. Type locality: “Al Khaur, Arabia” in Abian County, Yemen. Holotype: BMNH 99.12.13.-52: RR1946.9.1.3.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1960: 179). See also Gans and Pandit (1965, distribution), Joger (1987, distribution), and Obst and Wranik (1998, distribution).



    Agamodon compressus Mocquard

  • Agamodon compressus Mocquard, 1888: 133. Type locality: “Çomalis” = Somali Republic. Holotype: MHNP 84–690.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1960: 179), Gans and Pandit (1965: 78). See also Boettger (1893c, distribution), Joger (1987, distribution), and Lanza (1983, distribution).


    Central coastal Somali Republic.

    Agamodon immaculatus Calabresi

  • Agamodon anguliceps immaculatus Calabresi, 1927: 27. Type locality: “Afghedud”, Somali Republic. Holotype: MZUF M-4852-C4052.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans and Pandit (1965: 85). See also Haacke (1979, distribution), and Lanza (1983, distribution).


    Known from the type only.

    Genus Diplometopon Nikolski

  • Diplometopon Nikolski, 1907: 276. Type species: Diplometopon zarudnyi, by monotypy.

  • See discussion in Gans (1960: 178).

    Diplometopon zarudnyi Nikolski

  • Diplometopon zarudnyi Nikolski, 1907: 277. Type locality: Nasrie in Arabistano, … in Persia australo-occidentali” = Nasrie in southwestern Iran on the Karun River. Holotype: ZIL 10341.

  • Pachycamalus zaroudnyi G. Boulenger, 1920: 352. Emendation: Collector's name spelled “Zaroudny” in title of Nikolski's paper.

  • Discussion of Form:

    Gans (1960: 178). See also Al-Badry and Al-Sidirawi (1976, blood), Al-Ghandoor (1992, reproduction), Al-Johany (1999, metabolism), Al-Nassar (1976, osteology, gut histology), Al-Sadoon (1986, metabolism; 1988, distribution), Al-Sadoon et al. (1991, ecology), Al-Thani and El-Sherif (1996, digestive tract histology), Al-Yousif and Al-Shawa (1998, parasites), Anderson (1963, 1967, 1968, 1974, 1979, distribution), Arnold (1984a, hemipenes), Branch (1980, chromosomes), Cloudsley-Thompson (1979, physiology), El-Assy and Al-Nassar (1976, anatomy), Gallagher (1971, distribution), Gans (1971c, list), Gans and Wever (1975, anatomy), Gasperetti (1967, distribution), Haas and Werner (1969, distribution), Hellyer (1994), Henson (1974, anatomy), Khalaf (1960, distribution), Lanza (1983, distribution), Leviton and Anderson (1967, distribution), Mahdi and Georg (1969, distribution), Mertens (1959, 1960, general), Miller (1966a, anatomy), Niazi (1979, ecology), Tuck (1971, list), and Yousif and Al-Shawa (1998, parasites).


    Extreme western Iran, southern Iraq, Kuwait, the northern half of Saudi Arabia, Trucial Oman.

    Genus Pachycalamus Günther

  • Pachycalamus C.A.L.G. Günther, 1881: 462. Type species: Pachycalamus brevis, by monotypy.

  • See discussion in Gans (1960: 178).

    Pachycalamus brevis Günther

  • Pachycalamus brevis C.A.L.G. Günther, 1881: 462. Type locality: Socotra Island. Syntypes: BMNH– RR1946.8–31.73, 1934.12.10.1:RR1946.8.31.78– 1934.12.10.4:RR1946.8.31.81 (possibly NMW 16681 as well).

  • Discussion of Form:

    Loveridge (1941: 364), Gans (1960: 178). See also Boulenger (1903, 1920, distribution), Gans (1971c, list), Joger (2000), Kennedy (1937, distribution), and Peters (1882a).


    Socotra Island, Indian Ocean.

    Genus Trogonophis Kaup

  • Trogonophis Kaup, 1830: 880. Type species: Trogonophis wiegmanni, by monotypy.

  • Trogonophis Gray, 1844: 68. Lapsus, hence not available (International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 1961, art. 33b).

  • See discussion in Gans (1960: 178).

    Trogonophis elegans (Gervais)

  • Amphisbaena elegans Gervais, 1835: 113. Type locality: “Alger et à Tanger”; restricted to Tangier (Gans and Pasteur, 1962: 10). Lectotype: MHNP A3083 from Tangier. Lectoparatypes: Apparently lost (cf. Gans and Pasteur, 1962).

  • Trogonophis wiegmanni maroccana Werner, 1931b: 280. Type locality: “Chella, Rabat, Marokko”. Holotype: MCZ 29668. Paratypes: MCZ 29669 (Djebel Taghat, Fez). MCZ 29670 (Agadir, Morocco).

  • Discussion of Forms:

    See under the nominate race.


    Western Morocco to the Souss.

    Trogonophis wiegmanni Kaup

  • Trogonophis wiegmanni Kaup, 1830: 880. Type locality: Unknown; restricted to “Algérie” (Pasteur and Bons, 1960: 79). Syntypes: “Zool. Inst. Giessen” (Kaup, 1831); destroyed (W.J. Schmidt, in litt.).

  • Discussion of Forms:

    Loveridge (1941: 360), Gans (1960: 178). Pasteur and Bons (1960: 79) commented on the status of races. See also Anderson (1892, distribution), Angel and Rochon-Duvigneaud (1942b, anatomy), Baker (1987, parasites), Barbier (1906, list), Bellairs (1950, anatomy), Bellairs and Boyd (1947, anatomy), Blackburn (1985, biology), Boettger (1881, 1883, 1885a, distribution), Böhme (1970, general), Bons and Girot (1962, identification), Bons and Saint Girons (1963, biology), Boulenger (1891c, 1905a, distribution), Burlet (1934, anatomy), Busack (1976, list), Capula (1989, identification), Chabanaud (1916, distribution), Doumergue (1900, distribution), Dufaure and Saint Girons (1984, anatomy), Fischer (1889), Flower (1925, longevity), Fürbringer (1870, 1900, anatomy), Gabe and Saint Girons (1971, 1972, 1976 anatomy), Gabe et al (1964), Gans and Pasteur (1962, distribution), Gatten and McClung (1981, behavior), Gervais (1848b, distribution; 1853, anatomy), Guibé (1954, list), Hediger (1937a, 1937b, distribution), Jacobshagen (1920, anatomy), Kaup (1830), Lakjer (1927, anatomy), Le Cerf (1909), Makino (1951, chromosomes), Matthey (1931, 1932a, 1932c, 1951b, chromosomes), Mertens (1915), Olivier (1894, 1896, distribution), Pellegrin (1912a, distribution), Pratt (1948, anatomy), Rathke (1853), Remane (1936, anatomy), Richter (1933, anatomy), Rieppel (1979, 1988a, 1996, 1971, anatomy), Rochon-Duvigneaud (1954, anatomy), Saint Girons (1953, 1961, 1972, 1989, anatomy), Saint Girons and Joly (1975, anatomy), Schleich et al. (1996, identification), Smalian (1884a, anatomy), Stemmler (1970, distribution), Verrier (1932, 1933, anatomy), Versluys (1912, anatomy), Werner (1929a, 1931b), Woerdeman (1921b), Zangerl (1944, 1945, anatomy), and Zulueta (1909, distribution).


    Eastern Morocco, northern Algeria, western Tunisia (specimens in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale of Genoa and the Zoologische Staatssammlung, Munich).


    I would like to acknowledge the many people who helped with the bibliography. Ueso Montero enormously helped to improve this manuscript.There is also the help of Gabe Beaver, Ximena Bernal, Donald Broadley, Nanacy Elder, Renata Jass, Ernie Liner, John McVey, Marcos Papp, Cecilia Rodriguez, Eddie Saiff, and Linda Trueb. I also acknowledge the comments and suggestions of the reviewers, specially M. Kearney. Brenda Jones provided valuable comments and assistance editing the manuscript.



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    [1] Issued March 8, 2005

    CARL GANS "CHECKLIST AND BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE AMPHISBAENIA OF THE WORLD," Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2005(289), 1-130, (8 March 2005).<0001:CABOTA>2.0.CO;2
    Published: 8 March 2005
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